Foto 1: WelcomeChatting before the International Business Center are four of the six new faculty members at the University of the Americas this quarter. From left to right are Dr. John Van Sickle, Lic. Raymundo Guzman, Mrs. Judith Schoenberg and Dr. Hughel B. Wilkins, Paul F. Magnelia and Dra. Stella Giucia are the other two additions to the UA faculty.
Foto 2: Saloncito VIIIDiscussing the success of their art show are from left to right Jackie von Honts, Norman Bradley, Helen Gimme, and Marsella Sleza. Held on campus under the name of "Cuatro Direcciones." the students' show is one of a series planned by Merle Wachter. head of the Art Center.
Foto 1: The Day Of The Dead: Among the many celebrations which form part of Mexico's colorful folklore, one which takes place during the first two days of November perhaps the most interesting, and dates back many hundreds of years. During those two days the dead are solemnly remembered, and everyone visits the graveyards either on All Soul's Day, November first, or the Day of the Dead on the second. Graves are cleaned,weeded, decorated with marigolds and lighted tapers, and the headstones are polished. From the old grandparents down to the children, all participate.
UA Can Become Truly Great Says Father Murphy At Convocation
Baptist students Study Here Fot Their Junior Year Abroad
Artist Russel Woody Plublishes First Book
Newman Club Makes Plans
Pies de Foto
Foto 1: Ethical Values StressedFather John F. Murphy. shown above with President Lindley. called upon students at this quarter's first convocation to be alert and dedicated to meet the challenge of todays would problems. Moral values. he warned. are under threat of extinction
Foto 2: Retired MajorAfter an interesting past as a military nurse, business woman, educator and traveler. Mary Grossnick resumesthe role of student seeking her second B. A.
Foto 3: Better International RelationsFive students selected on the basis of their academic records for the American Baptist Convention Junior Year Abroad program are (from left to right) Armin a Goodman, Dale Slaght, Louise White, lames Thorton and Ophelia Clarke.
Foto 1: Not For DudesSummer-time Gaucho from Argentina. Richard lmmesoete. demonstrates the traditional manner of eating on the pampas. The inexperienced run the risk of a gashed nose he warns.
Foto 2: Mexically ProdigyPaco Lopez, 11, lands hands hard after a jump shot. Lopez' phenomenal accuracy counted heavily against the Social Security team whose height advantage forced UA to shoot from the outside.