Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

University of the Americas Collegian

Vol. 16, No 15.

Km. 16, Carretera México - Toluca; México 10, D. F.

miércoles 21 de agosto, 1963

Ver ejemplar del miércoles 21 de agosto, 1963 en formato PDF (8 páginas).

Página 1

  • Relm Gives Grant For Econ Prof
  • August Candidates Number Twenty-Seven
  • Dr. Weckman In Colombia
  • Librarians Here On Scholarship
  • Recent Survey Indicates UA'sUS Enrollment
  • Registration Simplified
  • MA And Present MF A Candidates Unusual Theses
  • New Council Plan Started

Pies de Foto

  • GRADUATING - Some candidates for the BA degrees to be conferred late this month are form left to right.
  • NEW PROF.-Lic. Raymundo Guzmlln will join the UA faculty this fall.
  • PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE-Verna Ritchie. from Oregon State University and Don Alexander from New yersey are giving valuable help in the library this summer. Miss Ritchie works in the reference department and Alexander in catalogfng. Both are also taking courses here and spending their free time in seeing the sights of Mexico.

Página 2

  • Something Must Be Done About The Health Center
  • Valuable Information Givenn On Noted 'Aztec Two Step'
  • Mexico Presents And Controversial Varied Images
  • Summer Students Recall Many Unusual Experiences

Pies de Foto

  • PRESENTING MEXICO- One day, at the market place in Huejotzingo, I stopped to observe an appealing little girl. She sat in the midst of a display of pottery and empty Wicker basket. She couldn't have been more 1han three years old. While her mother took care of her customers, she sat there quietly, watching what \vas going on with serious eyes. Never did she move from wherec her mother had told her to sit, never did she demand attention, or cry because she was tired or hungry or sleepy.

Página 3

  • Harrying Experiences Amuse Summer Students
  • Nobel Prize Winner Recent Lecture Topic
  • Spring Fever Doane To Long Lures John Trip Of US
  • UA Alumna Visits School
  • Frat Represented In U.S.
  • New Now Mosaics Available

Pies de Foto

  • DELTA MU REPRESENTATIVE - Ned Muñoz will travel to Bedford Spring, Penn. to attend Grand Chapter Congress of Delta Sigma Pi fraternity.
  • LECTURER-Miss Doris Dana. who was the secretary of the Chilean Nobel prize wfnning poet Gabriela Mistral. lectured on Miss Mistral recently in the University Auditorium. Miss Dana illustrated her lecture with slides and tape recordings of Miss Mistral reading her own poetry.
  • IT BURNED HERE-One of the experiences encountered by wohn Doane on a recent trip was when his trailer. containing most of his belongings. went up in flames.

Página 4

Pies de Foto

  • UA Students Shed First Light On Mitla Ruin
  • The Calvary Chapel in Milla was built in 1671 on top of the east pyramid of the Adobe Group. In its imposing majesty it seems to supervise the work of 1hc U A excavators. A stone mounted over 1he cen ter doorway of the chapel reads, "ACABOSE ESTA OBRA A 30 DE ABRlL ARO 1671 SIEN· DO D DIEGO DE ROBLES" (This work was £inishcd April 30, 1671, while Don Diego de Robles was ...
  • An Har lem takes aim at one 0£ the famous Danzan1es of i\fonte Alban during the UA archeology
    group's orienta1ion visit to the Zapotec capital. These ancient Danzante carvings 0£ l\f on.
    te Alb:\n date from long before the time 0£ Christ.
  • Gene Dursin a ncl Etnily Rabin prepare to take a compass reading on the excava1ions while three i\f itla boys -who £irmly bel ieve the compass is a device used 10 locate treasur1!5- wa1ch to see how it is done. T he 17th
    century chapel behind them, placed atop the largest pyramid 0£ the Adobe Group where the
    UA archeologists are excavating, was built utilizing a number of from the prccon quest ruins -see for example 1he seve , ral saw1001h "greca" elemen ts in its foundation.

Página 5

Pies de Foto

  • The main activities of this summer's UA archeoloJ ical research team are summed up, along with the
    reason for their urgency, in this photo showing the 1671 chapel of Calvary atop the east pyramid
    of the Adobe group. Increasing population is cau sing much new house-building in l\fitla, and the
    two ne:w adobe h~uses at center right were built this year. Exploration of the Adobe Group, not
    otherwise so pressing, thus was made a now-or-never matter. In the long trench below the group of
    people at center left there is visible a cross-secti on of the adobe "adoratory" or ceremonial plat.
    form -once covered with stone and plaster- at the center of the patio. At far left the church of
    Mitla, placed amid the building of the Group of the Columns, is visible.
    Another site visi ted by the UA archeology group is Zaachila, Oaxaca,
    \vhere this gentleman sculptured in plaster was admired on
    the wall
  • Director of the Mitla excavations John Paddock is shown with a group of his students. Paddock is also the present chairman of the UA department of anthropology.
  • Another site visi ted by the UA archeology group is Zaachila, Oaxaca, vhere this gentleman sculptured in plaster was admired on the wall of a tomb. His name is Five Flo,ver Xipc (the Five Flower is in the upper left corner of the picture, and represents the name of the day in the sacred calendar on which he was born), and he
    was one of the conquering Mixtec rulers in the 15th century, not long before the Spanish conquest put an end to Zapotec·Mixtec wars over possession of the Valley of Oaxaca.

Página 6

  • Shrine Of Guadalupe Attracts Many People
  • Coed Encounters Difficulties In Some Spain
  • Former New York Editor Returns For Summer Study
  • High Scholastic Record Characterizes Chico Sisters From Stanford, Stephens

Pies de Foto

  • WONDERFUL-Attending the University of Madrid. eating paella valenciana. joining a sit-in demonstration. being a woman torrero. and spending two hours in jail were some experiences encountered by Alyn Lesser while in Spain.
  • WALKING ON THEIR KNEES-One of the most amazing religious spectacles in Mexico is the hundreds of people who yearly walk on their knee-s from the gate to the main altar inside the Basilica of Guadalupe. This act is to thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for a favor received.
  • CALIFORNIA STUDENTS-fill and Terry Morehead speak four languages fluently partly as a result of a number of grand fours of the globe. The co-eds /rave been in every country in Europe and half of Asia.

Página 7

  • Thrilling Life Story Related By Sophomore
  • University Purchases Computer
  • Goal Fluency In Numerous Languages
  • Old Alumna Returns To VA, Encounters Many Changes

Pies de Foto

  • NEW. COMPUTER-Using the blackboard to exp'ain the techniqu.~s. parts and operation of the en gneering depertment s r~cently purchased analog computer is Enrique Chicurel. Working the controls of the newly acqurred machine are Cesar Garcia and Jean Jacques Hane.
  • BORN IN RIGA - Astrid Klavins has been through many trying experiences in her short life including the Nazi occupation of Latvia, the Russian occupation and a sudden escape from her homeland.
  • LIKES LASAGNA - Carlo Trotta finds pleasure in eating Italian food.

Página 8

  • Graduate Jim Houston To Teach In Nigeria, Land Of Open Minds
  • UA Has New Tennis Facilities
  • Stuka In FirstpIace In Intramural Bowling
  • Former Therapist Studies Here

Pies de Foto

  • UP AND AWAY-While taking advantage of the sunny afternoon. the new tennis court. and his leisure time. UA student ferry fohnson aces the ball to his opponent.
  • ACCEPTS TEACHI NG POSIT ION-Tim Houston, a 1963 graduate of the University. is bound for the Mayflower School in Skeene. Nigeria, where he wil/ teach primarily English literature. Houston is 11 firm believer in independence for Africa.
  • INHALATION THERAPIST - John Greene who has for the past three summers worked as an inhalation therapist in Buffalo, New York, is studying economics at UA this summer before returning to the University of Buffalo.

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