BUSINESS MEDAL - George Holden stands in front of the International Business Center.
ENROLLMENT SOARS - Students crowding at the registration desks for material are from left to right Jim Rogers (Atlanta, Georgia); Carol Serino (West Pittston, Pennsylvania); Susan O'Neil (Sacramento, California); Warren Talley (Albuquerque, New Mexico) and Kathy French (Eastchester, New York).
RECEIVES AWARD - Adolfo López Mateos accepts the Fraternitas Award presented to him bu Dr. D. Ray Lindley in the name of the Admnistration and Board of Trustees of the University.
Gordillo Directs Librarians Many Latin Americans Attend
Workshoppers Plan Tours
University Offers Many Summer Trips
Student Working On M.A. Former Juvenile Officer
Eligio Arenas Chacon Show Opens Today
Pies de Foto
FROM MANY COUNTRIES-Professor Pedro Zamora is seen lecturing to his class in library techniques.The students participating in UA's first library course are, first roiv {from the left), Frances Brewer. Silvia Fuxet. Iris Viera. Angela Narvarte de Martinez. Maura Alvarado; second row, Emma Narvaez Manuel Uribe. Ivonne Abud. Esther Rabkin. Elsa Kloth; back row. Ofelia Hoepelman. Gassi Ayub
"ART CRITICS CONCLAVE"-The terrible art critic as seen through tire artist's eye-never satisfied. always negative. This is one of the drawings by Eligio Arena Chacon Whose one man show continues until August 7.
PEOPLE AND PSYCHOLOGY - Larry Miller, graduate student, is concerned with the problems of teenagers and feels that what they need most is to have someone genuinely interested in them.
Controversial Cock Fights Are Traditional In Mexico
Fraternitas ...
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RENOWNED BOWLER-Tony Kapt:an. champion intercollegiate bowler from the Uni11ersity of Pennsylvania, is pictured far right with his team the Split:. Left to right are Ray Skull. Steven Daniels and Steve Webster.
PLANNING AHEAD - Moe Williams (left), UA basketball coach; Dr. Melvin McMichael, physical education director; and Al Pullins, owner-manager of the Harlem Clowns basketball shows, meet to discuss the possibilities of increasing sports here and acquiring scholarships for athletes at the University of the Americas.
A FLURRY OF FEATHERS - Two fighting cocks engage in battle ni a typical palenque.