Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

Mexico City Collegian

Vol. 16, No 8.

Km. 16, Carretera México - Toluca; México 10, D. F.

viernes 15 de marzo, 1963

Ver ejemplar del viernes 15 de marzo, 1963 en formato PDF (4 páginas).

Página 1

  • Quarter's Candidates Listed For Degrees
  • MCC Productions Now Playing
  • Dr. Lindley Returns From U.S. Travels
  • Volumes Added To Librery
  • Von Wuthenau Speaks Today At Theater

Pies de Foto

  • WAITING FOR EXAMS - Their last final exams will get under way shortly for the seniors who expect to receive degrees soon. Seen above are (from left) Jerry Johnton, Patricia Sebert, John Conklin, Dolores Thomas, and John DeLucia, discussing the termination of their college careers.
  • RUMBLE-In a scene from "West Side Story," the two gangs -the Sharks and the fets- meet in the school auditorium. Gang members shown are Noel Campbell, Jim Houston (foreground) and Larry Wycoff, Jim Wolfenfenbarger, and Nolan Horton. "West Side Story" is one of the MCC productions now playing at the Once de Julio Theater
  • MESO-AMERICAN ART LECT URE-Alexander Von Wuthenau, professor of art history, will lecture in the college theater today. His subject will be "The Nude in Pre-classic Mesoamerica." Von Wuthenau has researched all phases of Mexican art and is an authority in the field.

Página 2

  • Laser Rays Seen As New Boon To Mankind
  • Recent Literary Review Places Stress On Mexico
  • Farewell To WQIMers
  • 'Our Town' Production Unusual Theater Treat
  • Mental Freedom Desired By College Journalists
  • Lack Of Participation Discussed By Students
  • Do MCCers Form Mature Opinions?

Página 3

  • Class Held At Castle
  • MCC Alumnus Returns
  • Club Meetings On Thursdays
  • Expert Explains Pre-Columbian Music
  • Improvements For Cafeteria
  • Freshmen Show Interest Lag
  • Philosophy Work Published

Pies de Foto

  • CHAPULTEPEC CLASS-Professor Jimenez Moreno combines study and research in an unusual class in Mexican history held at Chapultepec Castle. Students in the class are (from left) Jackie Von Honts, Evelin Rattray, Albert Brandstater, Arthur Harlem, Emily Rabin, Juan Vidarte, Bill Bittier, Micky Lynd, and Marian Covo.
  • PILCH FAMILY GROWS-Irv Pilch, alumnus of MCC and presently with the California State Highway Division, returns to Mexico for a visit. He proudly shows his lovely wife Esther and new son, David, the press room where he used to be associate editor.
  • BELLAS ARTES FOLKLORIST-Jose Raul Hellmer, expert on Mexican music, discusses his recent lecture at MCC with Mrs. Gene Gerzo, instructor of music at the College.

Página 4

  • Fiesta in Capulhuac Honors Soccer Team
  • Team Catches Bad Luck
  • Aztecas Show Team Spirit
  • MCC Plays ...
  • Ex-Cop Gregg Tells Adventures
  • Gift Received
  • 'Riding The Surging Sea' Student Describes Surfing
  • Speaks ...

Pies de Foto

  • SALUD-Members of the MCC soccer squad celebrate the end of the game with some of the Orinoco opponents during the fiesta given in their honor after the game. Holding the sign are Hector Lopez, MCC captain, and the captain of the Orinoco team and mayor of Capulhuac.
  • OVER THE FENCE-Chipps Wright chalks up a home run to secure the Aztecs' recent victory over the "Ojos Rojos." This was one of the few games in which the team was able to coordinate both hitting and fielding.
  • THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW - Peter Gregg, who served a short stint in Ocean City, Maryland, as a police officer, seems to have retained the typical stern look of law enforcement agents.






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