Fernando Belain Shows Art In Exhibit In Cuernavaca
Delta Sigma Pi Holds Birthday Party
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CUERNAVACA SHOW - Fernando Belain, associate professor at MCC, will present a one-man show in Cuernavaca in March. The exhibition, located in the Galería Trini, will be composed of twenty-three pictures in varying media including both painting and drawing.
PREVIEW-Looking over competition for the annual art show are students Bob Kosta and Jackie Lynott along with instructor Toby Joysmith.
DANCE RIGHT IN - Delta Sigma Pi is now planning for a birthday dance to be held March 8. MCC co-eds Liz Despins, Linda Calderon, and Pat Serbet are shown purchasing tickets for the affair from fraternity members (left to right) James Gibson, Glen Nelle, Steve Blaise, and Ronny Dorney.
ASPIRING POLITICIAN - Krikor Derderian, of Lebanon, is now in Mexico with the intention of learning Spanish. Derderian already speaks five languages and is adding another so that he may further his political career.
PRE-COLUMBIAN TO 20th CENTURY-Symbolizing the wide range of artistic influence available at MCC, Dr. Golding, holding his renowned book on cubism, poses before a collection of pre-Columbian type masks.
KEEPING IN PRACTICE-Inez Connor, sophomore from Cleveland, Ohio, is shown enjoying one of her favorite sports, horseback riding. Participating in major horse shows in the United States, Inez must practice constantly to stay in top form.
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MCC Art Exhibit ...
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TAKING OFF-Matt Capri, who has won many top honors in motorcycling, first became interested when he was seventeen. During this quarter, Capri enjoyed his most successful event In Toluca, where he won first place.
READY FOR ACTION-Standing from left to right are: coach Moe Williams, Fred Hill, Kip Power, Rick Paez, Lonnie Forman, Bob Mitchelson, and Lothar Brautigam. Kneeling from left to right are: John Hopkins, Bill Gough, Mike Lennett, Bert Leyva, Pete DeLamos, and Ken Rowland.