Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

Mexico City Collegian

Vol. 10, No 8.

Km. 16, Carretera México-Toluca; México 10, D. F.

jueves 7 de marzo, 1957

Ver ejemplar del jueves 7 de marzo, 1957 en formato PDF (8 páginas).

Página 1

  • Studio Stags Presents Two PLays Tonight. By Ira Lewis
  • Thirty-seven File for Bachelors Degree
  • Flamenco Specialists Arrive From Spain By William L. Sherman
  • Dr. Murray To Give Marymount Address
  • Colonel Berzunza's Exploration Book Will Soon Be Reprinted
  • Seniors Schedule Delmonico Dinner

Pies de foto

  • THIS IS AN EXAMPLE of the emotion that will be encountered tonight when "Sweeney Agonistes" and "The Tree" open. The two plays will be free to students who moy get their tickets by presenting student identification. Left to right ore: Bruce A. Gloss, George lnancovich Jr., Daniel Kopec, Robert Coppens, Willis Austin, and Jerald A Corey. Seated are Anita Field and Sheila Thuroy. Dick DaPont Photo
  • THE FLAMENCO DANCE TEAM of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pohren has performed professionally on two continents. An MCC student, Pohren intends to establish on academy to teach this famous Hispanic art. Al Wilson Photo

Página 2

  • We Hope You Liked Us!
  • From The President's Desk
  • Beauty Means A Lot
  • Educational Crisis Alarms Author By Ira Lewis

Pies de foto


Página 3

  • Former Art Student Pioneers Exterior Mural Painting in U. S. By Brian Burns
  • Grad School Gets New Wal. Lockers
  • Studio Stages Presents Plays
  • Scholarship Fund To Honor Ida Appendini
  • Jerry Barger Returns

Pies de foto

  • WITH POMP AND CI RCUMSTANCE, mixed with a spirit of gaiety radiant Martha Mario Saavedra was crowned SWEETHEART OF MCC by Dr. John Elmendorf at the First Annual MCC TRI-MIXER. The captivating 17-year old from Guadalajara, Jalisco, is a student in Closes Comerciales. "The overwhelming success of the February 22 dance at the Riviero Club" said Chairman Tony Pasano, "is due directly to the excellent cooperation and hard work of the Student Council in staging the affair."
  • "MAN'S QUEST" is depicted by St. John in this impressive mural on the wall of the private boathouse of Edward G. Christiansen of Coral Gables, Florida. The mural is 25 feet high and 80 feet in length
  • JOHN ST. JOHN is pictured beside the swimming pool in Hollywood, Florida, where he successfully painted the only mural which will endure under water.

Página 4/5

  • T.S Eliot, Willard Bennet Plays Open Tonight Photos by Dick DaPont Layout by Ira Lewis

Pies de foto

  • Milton Bern1teing, Sheila Thuray. "And I'll be the missionary."
  • Chorus: Bruce A. Glass, Daniel Kopec, Willis Austin, Jerald R. Carey, Robert Coppens,
    George J. lnancovich Jr., Anita Field, Sheila Thuray. "We're going to sit here and hove a tune."
  • Milton Bernstein "I'll carry you off to a cannibal isle."
  • Richard Posner Studio Stages director.
  • Willord Bennett Author of "The Tree"
  • Doris Irene Contreros, Carola Alena, Rita Van Dolah, Anita Field "Oh I wish I could shimmy..."
  • Milton Bernstein, Anita Field "For when you're alone. When you're alone like he was
    alone. You're either, or neither."
  • Full Cast "When you're alone in the middle of the night and you wake in a sweat and a hell of
  • a fright."
  • Carola Alena, Anita Field "Don't forget the mistletoe. Perhaps you'll all be kissed.'
  • Doris Irene Contreras, B. Marie MacDonald "I'll try to do better, Honest, I will.''
  • Doris Irene Contreras, Rita Van Dalah, B. Marie Mac Donald, Carola Alena "And don't forget that Christine is the best girl..."

Página 6

  • Columbian Comes To Mexico Via USA By Mebourne Lockey
  • Barlow Continues Scholarship Study by Ira Lewis
  • MCCers Say Sightseers Surely Seem Strange by Jack Condon
  • Grad Awarded Fellowship
  • New Catalog Published

Pies de foto

  • WI I H THE HOPE OF some day entering politics in his native Columbia, Paco de Zubiria studies economics. Paco was born in Cartageno, Columbia and completed his secondary education in the United States. Bob Almanazo Photo
  • Marion Barlow

Página 7

  • Parachutist Lands On Broken Bottle by Ira Lewis
  • MCC's Connie Hool Forms Dance Troupe By Sandy Johnston
  • Dr. Murray Reports On Latin American Catholic Conference
  • Zielinski-Barona Marry Recently
  • Xirau Lectures
  • Ronstadt Is Awarded University Fellowship
  • Undergraduate Students May Enroll in Seminar

Pies de foto

  • BEING SHOWN THE STEPS of a Mexican dance are (left to right) Audrey King, Jere Moore, Theresa Kadoich, Instructor Constanza Hool, Jan Gillman, Vanda Zeller, Bonnie Runyan, Bill Green, Gail Rudy, Bill Laeth, and Jane Becker.
  • Fritz Mooney
  • MCC STUDENTS WATCH an informal exhibition of the jarabe tapatio danced by Connie Hool.

Página 8

  • Vagos Set Blistering Bowling Pace; Smash Yo-Yo´s in MCC Loop, 4 to 0
  • THE SCORE BOARD By Jim Monica
  • In This Corner By Pierce Travis
  • Tim Spangler Shines In Many Sports By Jim Monica
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  2. Cabeceras