Daring Places MCC Third Motorcyclist in Exciting Race By Sandy Johnston
Alumni Meet Held in Texas
Thirty-nine File for Degrees This Quarter
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Jolan Vaughn
Joe Hargety
Robert Barnett
Bruce Piner
Jeanne Larson
Charles White
George Koenning
Robert Brockington
Helen Vourvoulias
Sean Kelly
Curtis Caldwell - Marilú Pease Photos
WITH THE BACK WHEEL flying off the track, MCC's Kip Quint, number forty-one, takes third position in the La Morquesa race near the Mexico-Toluca highway.
Student Delegates Sent To Texas Conference By Tom Henderson Council Elections Show Close Voting
Richardson For Board Elected Prexy of Trustees
Anthro Journey Being Planned
Cobblestone Paving Laid on Lower Road
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NEWLY ELECTED Student Council members include, from left to right: front row-Rus Kolemoine, secretary of the freshman class; Tamara Wenzel, tie for freshman class president; Shirley Patton, Jr. class vice president; Tom Held, sophomore class prexy. Bock row: Dick Johnson, freshman VP; Sonny Stribling, Jr. class president; Jack Condon, president of the freshman class. Doug Evans Photo
UPPER CLASSMEN recently elected to the Student Council include, from left to right: front row-Joe Hagerty, senior class president; bock row-Bob Almonzo, graduate school prexy; Ellen Hedin, grad school vice president; Norman Gilbert, grad school secretory-treasurer; Charles Stidham, senior class vice president. Doug Evans Photo
BILL CALDWELL AND FRANK KETTLES, look over the program of events for the second Student Conference of National Affairs. Coldwell and Kettles are now attending the conference at Texas A & M College. Marilú Pease Photo
North Woods Descrihed. by Fire Fighting Smoke Jumper By Ira Lewis
Little Jewels Of Wordly Wit By Bob Stout
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John Frosig
BILL KOEHLER DISCUSSES smoke-jumping in his Polanco apartment, surrounded by some artifacts that he has collected in his year and a half in Mexico. Doug Evans Photo
Scholarship Winners Extensive Interests, Illustrate Talents By Anne Lane
Six One - Man Shows Distinguish Artist Ray
Reporter Told Where To Go By Jack Condon
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"I SCULPTURED IT MYSELF!'' says Joanne Schneggenburger, to fellow scholorship winners (left to right) Richard Delgado, Frank Hursh, Karl Nelson, and Donald Diekelmon. Scholarship recipients not shown include: Martin Green, Thomas Griffith, Bobbie Kay Smith, and Tamara Wenzel. Ánne Kelly Photo