Tesis profesional presentada por Nuria González Rábade

Licenciatura en Biología. Departamento de Química y Biología. Escuela de Ciencias, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Jurado Calificador

Presidente: Mtro. Jerónimo García Guzmán
Vocal y Director: Dr. Daniel Claudio Martínez Carrera
Secretario: M.C. Silvia Reyna Téllez

Cholula, Puebla, México a 12 de agosto de 2005.


Mushroom cultivation, especially shiitake (Lentinula edodes) growing, is an economically significant and rapidly expanding global industry. L. edodes is a basidiomycete that is evolutionary advanced and highly degradative. A promising nutraceutical, this mushroom is also the single largest commercial bioconversion process utilising wood. The present study was carried out to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of shiitake distributed in Asia-Australasia and L. boryana, Mexican native, using PCR-amplified nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS1-ITS4 region). DNA was extracted from ten strains: three from Japan, one from Hong Kong, one from the United States, one from Mexico, and four from commerical origins. The dendrogram obtained from the analysis of aligned sequences of the ITS region mentioned correlated divergence with geographical distribution, generating three major groups. Analysis of rDNA from strains around the world showed that the strains at the COLPOS collection belong to two of the five major groups found worldwide. The results suggest the possibility of genetic improvement by techniques such as cross-breeding, protoplast fusion or genetic engineering.

Key words: Shiitake, rDNA, phylogenetic relationships, genetic improvement.

Table of content

Portada (archivo pdf, 27 kb)

Índices (archivo pdf, 17 kb)

Capítulo 1. Abbreviations (archivo pdf, 10 kb)

Capítulo 2. Abstract (archivo pdf, 10 kb)

Capítulo 3. Introduction (archivo pdf, 485 kb)

  • 3.1 General aspects of edible mushrooms
  • 3.2 Mushroom biotechnology in Mexico
  • 3.3 The case of Lentinula edodes
  • 3.4 Genetic diversity and potential for genetic improvement

Capítulo 4. Research Relevance (archivo pdf, 10 kb)

Capítulo 5. Objectives (archivo pdf, 18 kb)

  • 5.1 General objective
  • 5.2 Specific objectives

Capítulo 6. Materials and Methods (archivo pdf, 313 kb)

  • 6.1 Mycelial cultures
  • 6.2 Freeze drying
  • 6.3 DNA extraction
  • 6.4 DNA quantification (Electrophoresis)
  • 6.5 PCR amplification of ITS region
  • 6.6 PCR purification (ITS region) and Sequencing
  • 6.7 Phylogenetic analysis

Capítulo 7. Results (archivo pdf, 393 kb)

  • 7.1 DNA extraction
  • 7.2 PCR amplification of ITS region
  • 7.3 Analysis of classical and molecular data
  • 7.4 Comparison with genetic sequences from international databases

Capítulo 8. Discussion (archivo pdf, 43 kb)

  • 8.1 Comparison with other studies
  • 8.2 Genetic improvement proposal
  • 8.3 Advantages of current techniques
  • 8.4 Future research studies
  • 8.5 Prospects: shiitake cultivation in Mexico

Capítulo 9. Conclusions (archivo pdf, 11 kb)

Referencias (archivo pdf, 30 kb)

Apéndice 1. Glossary (archivo pdf, 21 kb)

Apéndice 2. Shiitake´s nutritional properties (archivo pdf, 25 kb)

Apéndice 3. ITS region (archivo pdf, 69 kb)

Apéndice 4. Different buffer components (archivo pdf, 23 kb)

Apéndice 5. Sequences (archivo pdf, 61 kb)

Apéndice 6. Edited Chromatographs (archivo pdf, 247 kb)

Apéndice 7. NCBI / EBI strains (archivo pdf, 53 kb)

González Rábade, N. 2005. Molecular characterization of wild and commercial strains of shiitake (Lentinula spp.) cultivated in Mexico, and their potential for genetic improvement. Tesis Licenciatura. Biología. Departamento de Química y Biología, Escuela de Ciencias, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Agosto. Derechos Reservados © 2005.