STUDENTS GATHER to listen to Up-Front new elections to be Leid for student government Club spokesman, Allen Raby, speak against the offices. SAUA. Later a petition was circulated asking for
BUGALOOING MODEL aids lhe Cholula Red Cross in charily canasta party and fashion show during UA Cultural Week.
CUATRO DE LAS bellas artistas del grupo "Los países de America durante la 1ra Semana Cultual de la Universidad de las Americas.
Folkloristas" que interpretaron canciones americanas y lucieron trajes típicos de varios
THE TWO PIANISTS of Cullural Week hit responsive chords.
A HOT FIDDLE and a loud back-up characterize Tony Baker at the mike. Presenting their own original music they Conned part of the ( Thursday night entertainment which also featured other UA students.
CULTURE IS sometimes burden! students, faculty and workmen aided in transporting Raphael Samuuel's sculpture to its final resting place.
It 's a cold cruel world out there: old college degree ain´t what it used to be
Pies de foto
A VESTIGIAL LINK with the past is the today those that exist are constructed in the same "temescal" or steam bath. Even though rarely seen style as their pre-columbian counterparts.
LITTERBUG Richard Rodgers who plays Ario Guthrie in the photography classes' production of "Alice's Restaurant" gets a bit tied up as Tony Baker, Officer Obie (right) and Anson Anderson, guard , question him during the trial scene.
YOUNG ROOKIE gets a lesson in dribbling from Poblano veteran Poncho Solorzano at the UA's summer basketball camp.