Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

University of the Americas Collegian

Vol. 18, No 1.

viernes 30 de octubre, 1964

Ver ejemplar del viernes 30 de octubre, 1964 en formato PDF (6 páginas).

Página 1

  • Doña Eva Recives Honorary Degree
  • Southern Educators Checli School's Study Next Week
  • Film Wokshop Active With Documentaries
  • Three Ph.D.'s Join Expanded Faculty
  • Study Ways To Prevent Book Thefts

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: L.H.D. For First Lady–Dr. Robert Bidwell and Dr. Richard Greenleaf hood Donña Eva Sámano de López Mateos at the ceremony where she was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters speaker at the convocation; and Lic. Jesse N. Dalton, member of the UA Board of Trustees, who introduced the guests of honor.
  • Foto 2: Posters For Party— A Halloween dance, sponsored by the freshman class, but open to the entire student body, will be held tonight at the Club Hipico del Estado Mayor Principal. everyone is expected to come in semi-formal attire, to the affair, which begins at 9p.m. and will continue until 1 am. Tickets may be purchased from any freshman or student council candidate. Refreshments will be served and music will be provided by a local orchestra. Pictured standing (left to right) are Marvin Blanchett, David Atherton, and Martin Feaver. Sitting are Theresa Sands, Ayse Askin, Florence Mathews, Tonia Pages Hernandez, Virginia Kauss, and Marion Feaver.
  • Foto 3: Growing Faculty–Three of the seven addittions to the UA faculty discuss their new positions in a break from classes. Mrs. Helia Box of the Spanish Department, Franz Von Sauer, (center) instructor in international relations, and Dr. George Cockcroft of the English department come to UA from wide and varying backgrounds.

Página 2

  • More Financial Aid Needed For Scholars
  • Warm 'Bienvenidos' Given To All Campus Newcomers
  • Human Figure Central Theme of Roca's Exhibition Of Paintings In Saloncito
  • Presenting Mexico
  • Various Views Given On U. S. EIections
  • Goldwater Did 'It' Once, Can He Do 'It' Again?

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: EL Árbol De Tule—Midway between Oaxaca City and the ruins at Mitla the road passes a small Indian village. As a village Santa Maria de! Tule has slight appeal for the stranger passing through it, yet every body stops. Why? To see a tree ... but what a tree

Página 3

  • Studentes Vote For Council Today

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: For President–Candidates for top office of the student council are (left to right) Howard R. Houck. Independent; Russell Bennett. Students' Voice: Neil foines. University Party: and Larry Snyder Independent
  • Foto 2: Student's Voice–Running on the Students' Voice ticket for representative are (left to right) Elliot Turnbull, Bill Platka, Pat Toffemire. Edward Leach, Erik Geerts. Astrid Klavins. and Russell Holden Anne Warren is not shown.
  • Foto 3: University Party–Running for the office of representative in the University Party are (left to right) Peter Jay, Celynn McDonald, Steve Bowman, Monica Adams, Steve Webster, Mimi Escalante, Bill Garrett and Edith Sands.
  • Foto 4: For Veep, Secretary–Candidates running for other offices are (left to right) Bob Brown. veep.
    Students's Voice: Norma Cabrera, secretary. Students' Voice: Ed Brown, veep, Independent; Tina French, secretary, University Party: and Mauricio Webelman veep University Party.

Página 4

  • Dr. Rivas Predicts Grad School Growth
  • Enrollment Increases Twenty-Eight Percent
  • International Relations Group Hears Danish Ex-Minister Speak
  • Pension Plan For Facuity Inaugurated
  • Nine Profs On Leave For Study, Research
  • Efficiency Backfires
  • Twenty -Two Students Appear On Summer Quarter Dean's List

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Simple Proccess, Really–These students looks as if they're enjoying registration as they begin a new school year. From the far left are Delbert Van Deusen, Alan Carrl, Kristine Orleff, Dianne Warman, Gregory Tork. Jean Roisum. Jeff Steffen, and Jeanne Donovan who is checking her class schedule.
  • Foto 1: New Dean–Dr. Enrique de Rivas Ibanez. head of the graduate school. believes that the Master's thesis should be more than a mere academic exercise and should be the start of a career, not the end of a degree.
  • Foto 3: Study Does It–Frederick Hon1bach. Beverly fasper Patricia.

Página 5

  • Arteaga Joins Staff As Business Manager
  • High Grade Average Wins Award For
  • Ron Castillo Pays Pledge
  • Bidwell Warns Of Additions To UA Catalog
  • Students On Junior Year Abroad Plan Entertained
  • Pageantry Marks Day of Dead Observances On Janitzio Isle

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: In Charge Of Finances–George Arteaga Rousseau is the newly appointed business manager for the University of the Americas. He was with the law firm of Goodrich, Dalton. Little and Riquelme for nineteen years before coming to U A.
  • Foto 2: Day Of The Dead–Winding from Lake Pátzcuaro to the top of a little hill in Janitzio is a graveyard, famous throughout Mexico for its reverent and impressive ceremonies on this important day.
  • Foto 3: Getting Acquainted–Dr. Richard E. Greenleaf. academic vice-president, (far left) listens intently as Eileen Zingaro (far right) describes her college in the States. Standing is Dr. D. Ray Lindley. greeting Ellen turnp and Frederick Cashman at the dessert and cofee get-together for Junior Y ear Abroad Program students in the Student Center.

Página 6

  • Animals Lead League, Donka Visit Cellar
  • 'Errol Flynns' and 'Flynnettes'
  • Pushed From Plane, Vows 'Never Again
  • Aztecas Edge Out Educacion Fisica
  • How To Break The Rules And Win, UAer Discusses Racing Theory

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Bloodless Errol Flynns–Wearing markedly un-sanguinary faces, Drama 121 students demonstrate their style for instructor Charles Lucas (far end). From the left, visible swordsn1en are Margaret Weaver, Carol Lynn Robinson. Patricia King. Douglas Kennedy, Keith Rothschild and Paul Cleveland.
  • Foto 2: Looking For Something–Racing enthusiast Mike Sunderland studies what makes the wheels go' round in exciting sports car derbies.
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Todos los ejemplares
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  2. Cabeceras