Native art -- Soedono Prowirodirdjo appears with some of the items of his embassy's collection, from which a good part of the exhibition here at the college is drawn.
Inspection tour -- The Mitla ruins in Oaxaca will undergo a thorough review by Mexico City College students on their forthcoming tour. Mitla offers perhaps the best example of the intricate greca architectural design in Mesoamerica.
Fly bu nighters -- Vice.president John V. Elmendorf (second from right) is shown boarding the plane for his recent visit to the U.S. Making the trip with Dr. Elmendorf were (left to right) Aureliano Torres, president of the Mexico City Hotel Association; Carlos Ibarguen, president of the Mexico Travel Association; Mauricio de la Cruz, publicity executive; Miguel Guajardo, president of the Acapulco Hotel Association; and Lic. Alfonso García González, Mexican Minister of Tourism.
New officers -- The recently elected officers of the student council gather around President Laurens Perry (seated). From left to right: Víctor Calderón, treasurer; Gay Conrad, recording secretary; Rob Maston, parliamentarian; Nancy MacGregor, corresponding secretary; Bill Hopkins, vice-president.
Studies volume -- Toby Joysmith looks through the anthology in which his short story appears. This is the second time the prize-winning story has been included in a collection of "bests".
Early bird -- Mrs- Richard Henderson (left) takes "early registration" seriously for the six month-old son Richard Jr., while across the table Margaret Matlock, Theresa Cady and Joelle Louat de Bort (left to right) assiduously fill out their spring quarter registration cards.
Stakes Set High In Ancient Aztec Game, Either Win Or Be Sacrificed
1960 Outlook: Giants And Indians Will Win Pennants
Pies de Foto
Champs -- Steady team bowlng throughout the past winter quarter gave the Big Boppers the Intramural League Championship. (From left to right, standing) Gene Bardwell, Glenn Beaudry, Bob Miranda. (Front row, left to right) Bill McGill, Bob Chappell.
Ancient gridiron -- Workmen are shown unearthing part of an ancient athletic court at Yagul outside the city of Oaxaca.