Other Distinguished Guests Participate in Ceremony
California Again Takes Top Honors in Enrollment Figures
Pies de Foto
Foto 1: Oaxaca's secretary of State, Ing. Norberto Aguirrre (left) chats amiably with John Paddock (center), co-conunselor of MCC's anthropology department, and President Paul V. Murray (right) following inauguration ceremonies of the Centro de Estudios Regionales. Ing. Aguirre welcomed the Centro as an important addition to the educational facilities within Oaxaca.
Foto 2: Dr. Jose Romano Muñoz gives high praise to MCC as notables, Henry Shute, William Denker, Ambassador Robert C. Hill, McNeill Stringer and Student Council President, Joe Hill, plus 850 MCCers look on.
Foto 3: Ambassador Hill addresses student body at inauguration ceremonies.
Class Ring Purchase Policy Affords New Easy Payment
Distinguished Guest's Visit Tightens Bonds
Former MCC Student Instructor Has Child
Jung Jolted By Tiny Twins
Abandoned Garage Evolves into Modern Equipped Post Office
Library Keeps Up with Pace of College Expansion
Pies Foto
Foto 1: Leaving the campus are the new officers charged with Student Council activities for the fall quarter. Left to right are Deal Theasmeyer, vice president; L. E. James, treasurer; Nobuko Kimura, recording secretary; Joe Hill, president; and John Currym corresponding secretary.
Foto 2: Proving to be a boon for students in a hurry to get their letters from "mom" or their best girlfriend is the new Administración de Correos on the MCC campus. For students in a special hurry there are a number of postoffice boxes available.
Foto 3: Taking it easy under an umbrella on the patio of former MCC student William Pike's home in Cuernavaca are (left to right) Jim Miller, Melinda Conry, Joe Pires and René González. In the foreground, Mark MacCurdy watches while Steve Wertz plays table tennis. The one-day fiesta at Cuernavaca was held during Freshman Orientation Week. Students enjoyed swimming, refreshments, and just plain leisure at the Pike home. Afterwords a short tour of the city was taken by the group.
Foto 1: Every year in Mexico it is the custom to honor death with the observance of "El Dia de los Muertos." All over the country people flock to cemeteries to decorate graves and to observe and honor the dead. November 1 is traditional, devoted to "Los Chiquitos," the children; the next day is for "Los Grandes,'' a tribute for the adult dead. Brass bands, such as the one shown above, are often hired for wakes and funerals in the villages. Here the band has been taken to play in a cemetery on November 2.
Foto 2: This particular scene might be upsetting to a matador if seen before four o'clock on Sunday. But, it is all in fun and no ill luck is wished for the subject of the scene. Note the weird' twist of the familiar Dos Equis ad in the background.
Foto 1: The Day of the Dead is a family affair in which even the young journey to the cemeteries to join in scrubbing headstones, pulling weeds, and decorating the groves of loved ones with flowers. This scene shows Our Lady of Sorrows (Nuestro Señora de los Dolores) over a grave in a large cemetery in Mexico City.
Foto 2: In another lampooning of friends, death invades the art studio. Usually underneath such an illustration there is the friend's name and a short poem poking mild fun at him. These sketches often accompany the satiristic poems known as " Calaveras".
Foto 3: Left: A family is pictured keeping a candled watch over the grave of a mourned one. In some towns it is a custom to stay up all night in the cemetery between November 1 and 2. As a part of their devotion people place candles, flowers, incens, and baskets of bread on the graves.
Foto 4: Right: A typical scene in a rural cemetery on November 2. In some areas the men do not enter the cemetery, but stand just outside, singing a traditional song, " Albanza." After the two days of problem observation of the dead, the living are remembered and the final night is spent drinking, eating, laughing, and dancing.
Foto 1: Currently exhibiting 13 paintings at the Galería Diana on Reforma is Howard M. Jackson, former instructor of photography, jewelry and design at MCC. The show, which opened last week, will run until the end of the month.
Foto 1: Serving as aide to General Eisenhower in 1945, Colonel Berzunza (standing) attended an official visit made by Eisenhower to the Mexican Secretary of the Navy, Heriberto Jara (center).
Foto 2: Preparing for their Fall Quarter membership drive are LAES officers, (left to right): Ralph Sather, secretary; Ed Tamas, membership chairman; Frank Philips, president; L. E. James, vice president; Bill, Jagoda, treasurer.