Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

Mexico City Collegian “The American College South Of The Border”

Vol. 11, No 11.

Km. 16, Carretera México - Toluca; México 10, D. F.

jueves 15 de mayo, 1958

Ver ejemplar del jueves 15 de mayo, 1958 en formato PDF (8 páginas).

Página 1

  • Local Businessmen Invited To Campus
  • Dean Gives Rules For
  • Earlham Group Comes To College On Study Tour
  • All Male MCC Group Cast Fot O'Neill Play
  • June Grad Will Receive Gold Key
  • Camara Goes To Yucatan Institute
  • Former MCC Prof Pays Campus Visit
  • Delta Sigs Construct Children's Playground

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: During try-outs for Eugene O'Neill's In the Zone, to be presented in the MCC theater the week of May 26, Director Richard Posner rehearses (left to right), Kent Sutherland, James Wood, Paul Ryan, John Niemi, James Wood, and Ronald Waldo.
  • Foto 2: The visiting group from Earlham College, Richmond, lndiana, gather in front of the Spanish building for keepsake snap of their study quarter in México. Kneeling, (left to right) are Richard Blum, Herbert Vaughn, Larry Chamness, Dr. Charles Matlack, Bill McGovern, Bill Richmond, and Paul Richmond. Back row (left to right) are Byron Knutsen, Dair Aring, Mary Beth Helen Mercer, Lynn Sucklen, Sylvia Miller, Sue Ambromson, Brenton Bissell, and Jack Crosser.
  • Foto 3: Hard at work, members of Delta Sigma Pi aid in the construction of a recreotional area at the State Mental Hospital for Retarded Children. Left to right, foreground, are James Cordavano, Barney Eiting, Bruce MacDonald, ond George Zeolla.

Página 2

  • Delta Mu Saves Face For Frats
  • Is Education Sterile?
  • Murray Applauds Art Show; Pans 'Flaminia'
  • ''Cling To Your Art'' Suggests Maritain

Página 3

  • Dean Lopez Returns From Registrar Meet
  • Tea Will Honor Roberto Gordillo
  • ''Rose'' Of Delta Sigma Pi Will Be Chosen At Dance
  • Prof To Publish Guide To Náhuatl
  • Explorers' Club Climbs Volcano
  • Former United Nations Employee Added To MCC Library Staff
  • Scholarship Key Will Be Given By Business Frat
  • Dr. Stafford Reports On Grad Study Conference
  • Class To Collet Books For Prison

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Contented, and well fed, a group of LAES members watch candy being wrapped at the Larín chocolate plant on Ejército Nacional. The visitors so the five main divisions of the factory, from the mixing of the ingredients, through handpulling of taffy and wrapping of the form shed product. They were quick to take advantage of the large amounts of free candy stacked around the plant and were also presented with more samples before they left. From left to right are Carl Ubell, Julie Fulscher, Celia Jacquez, Jerry Sorenson, Sandy Haines, Paul Kinzie and Harold Schmidt.
  • Foto 2: Agueda Canedo, former employee of the United Nations Library in Mexico City, is shown doing research at her new post in the MCC library.

Página 4

  • Intrepid Gringos Discover Poor Man's Acapulco
  • Zihuatanejo Adventure

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: The mountain-locked Bay of Zihuatanejo is a rare gem. Amid the color of blossoming greenery the outrigger dugout canoas set out to bring back the oyster.
  • Foto 2: The long quiet, tropical day: Dick Wilkie finds relief from the scorching Pacific sun.
  • Foto 3: Fording Rio Coyuquilla, Tom Held and Bill Jagoda yell depth sounding " Wilkie's Guided Tour to Zihuatanejo" official car
  • Foto 4: A water-wagon passes the bathers on a sand bar in the Rio de las Cuevas.

Página 5

  • Intrepid Gringos Discover Poor Man's Acapulco
  • Zihuatanejo Adventure

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Tranquil breezes cool isolated Las Gatas beach where Jon Freeman and Bill Jogada watch the colored blow fish in the shallow waters.
  • Foto 2: Beer cooling under greenery in the bucket–a Guerrero flower pot–overlooks two leñeros with their sombreros and burros silhoutted against the River Petatlán.

Página 6

  • Co-ed From Curacao Speaks Papiamento
  • New Mosaic Symbolizes Three Features Of Mexico
  • Murray Applauds
  • Stork Delivers Baby To MCC Art Grad
  • History Teacher Finds Time For Preaching
  • Welcome V. A. Official Brings Monthly Checks

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Irene Frenken
  • Foto 1: Robert L. Bidwell, well-known MCC history instructor, not only finds time for raising a family and writing his Ph thesis, but he also preaches at Christ Church.
  • Foto 2: Salvador Lopez Tello is the most welcome man on campus when the fifteenth of the month arrives. He brings the G I paychecks to eager veterans such as Vince Hagle who is shown receiving his allotment.

Página 7

  • Fishing Trip Develops Into Hunt For Lost Treasures
  • Father, Daughter Follow Wanderlust Across Globe
  • Photo Club To Stage Raffle
  • Sayonara, You All, Or A Nosy Hot Shot's Last Big Wingding

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Evaline Blanco Neff
  • Foto 2: A fishing trip became a treasure hunt when the anglers heard the legend of the treasure of the Joke. Sifting through the silt at the Joke bottom are Bill Newman and Jim Wolf. An earlier expedition had uncovered a few gold coins.
  • Foto 2: In the depths of this lake, according to legend, there lies a treasure in gold supposedly put there by the inhabitants of a small village. Nothing has been found of it but a few coins and an Iron cross which was discovered by Bill Newman, Jim Wolf and Pete Brown on their recent expedition to the Joke.

Página 8

  • Azteca Athletes Feted At Sports Banquet

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: The all-star basketball aggregation, reading clockwise from top to bottom: Gus Salazar, co-captain Bob Young, John Niemi, Bill Pfeiffer, Bernie Kaminsky, Jack Prosser, Randy Barron, Lou Zalar and Paul Kirk. Missing are co-captain Dick Torres, Ron Stone, George Freeman and coach Len Gusser.
  • Foto 2: Two of the tennis varsity members eligible for awards this season include, left, two year netter Clayton Carlson and, right, one-seasoner Dick Humbert. Clayton will receive a sweater with his letter.
  • Foto 3: Dr. C. A . Lindley, Sports and Recreation director, shows good pitching form as he throws the first softball of the season.
  • Foto 4: The Azteca softball varsity, reading, counter-clockwise top ta bottom: Lee Champol, captain Fred Williams, Lalo Calderón, "Young" Ben Travis, Bob Chappell, Emil Polkabla, Joe Chase, "Country" Ken Postert, Dick Wilkie. Not pictured are Bucky Elam, Paul Ryan, Ralph and Gus Salazar.
  • Foto 5: Varsity bowlers who recently competed in the inter-collegiate bowling tournament are, left to right: Del Dornberger former captain Jim Walsh, John Novak, Glenn Beaudry, Clark Fenn and Ralph Yopp. Missing is present captain Dick Torres.
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Todos los ejemplares
  1. Primera plana
  2. Cabeceras