Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

Mexico City Collegian

Vol. 6, No 10.

México, D. F.

jueves 4 de junio, 1953

Ver ejemplar del jueves 4 de junio, 1953 en formato PDF (8 páginas).

Página 1

  • Thirteen Present Theses For June M. A. Degree
  • Cain Returns From U.S. Trip
  • Pulitzer Prize Winners To Judge T.I.P.A. Entries
  • Murray To Succeed Cain As President In June Ceremony
  • Nolle Of Southwest Texas To Deliver Grad Address
  • Stafford Elected Hispanic Member

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Dr. Henry L. Cain, who after thirteen years as President of Mexico City College will on June 11th become President-Emeritus. Under his direction MCC has grown from a local necessity to an internationally renowned institution and member of the Texas Association of Colleges.
  • Foto 2: Dr. Paul V. Murray, long time Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty, and co-founder with Dr. H. L. Cain of Mexico City College on June 11th becomes the second president of the college. Dr. Murray has attained international prominence in the field of education during the seventeen years he has been a leader in education in Mexico.
  • Foto 3: Dean Nolle

Página 2

  • The Change Of Presidents
  • The Student In Mexico
  • From The Dean's Desk

Página 3

  • Summer Quarter Finds New Colleges Represented At MCC
  • T.W.C. Boosters Here
  • MCC Anthropology Program To Be Broadened In Future

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Bargains in Mexican pottery are checked by Daisy Culey, left, and Janie Guthrie, visitors from Texas Western College in El Paso. The two girls are here on a trip arranged for them by Lamsa Airlines.
  • Foto 2: Mexican Ambassador Manuel Tello in Washington, points out some of the leaders in the struggle for freedom in the Americas to a group of students from the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown U. The students, part of a group of twenty three from the foreign service school who will study at Mexico City College this summer, are left to right, Robert Carmody of Providence, R. I., James Davie of Charlotte, N. C., Lydia Weber of Bellmore, Long Island, N.Y., and Madeleine Tress of Roslyn, N.Y. (Photo courtesy of United Press and The News, Mexico City).

Página 4

  • Graduation Candidates Relax
  • B. A. Candidates

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Three M. A. Candidates for June graduation between classes in patio are (from left) John Paddock, Dick Hayman and Bill Matthews.
  • Foto 2: Larned Jay Nicolay, a bachelor of arts candidate in geography, will do geographical work for the U.S. government.
  • Foto 3: It's not spring fever. It's just upcoming graduation time which causes above four Bachelor of Arts candidates to break into smiles. They are (from left) Eleanor Wilson, Ken Long, Elizabeth Wachtel and M.J. Sill. Long awaits B. A. in journalism, Sill is after one in geology, Miss Wilson is a Spanish major and Miss Wachtel is an Anthropology major.
  • Foto 4: Another trio of MCC seniors awaiting June graduation exercises are (from left) John Modica, Isabel Torres and William Butcher. Modica is after a B.A. degree in economics, Isabel Torres is seeking Spanish degree, and Butcher one in business administration.
  • Foto 5: Walking into patio are B.A. candidates (from left) Robert Tulp, Tony Leonard and Gerald Matthews. Tulp is a candidate for a B.A. in journalism, Leonard is a candidate for B.A. in Spanish, and Matthews is seeking his B.A. in economics.

Página 5

  • ...Before June Commencement
  • M. A. Candidates

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Pretty seniors ready for June graduation ceremonies are Margaret Costero (left) and Elizabeth G. Colin Northolt. Elizabeth is a candidate for Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations. Margaret is due for Bachelor of Arts degree in economics.
  • Foto 2: Sipping straight cokes in MCC Patio Restaurant are Bachelor of Arts degree candidates Frank Mares (left) and Harry Awalt. Mares plans to receive degree in history, while Awalt is a psychology major. Mares plans to visit his home in Idaho this summer and return to MCC in September. Awalt will work for the Bureau of Entomology in Idaho during the summer months.
  • Foto 3: Three Bachelor of Arts candidates talk over future plans in patio bull session. They are (from left) Amelie Brown, Bob Young and Sol Bickman. Miss Brown is an applied arts candidate, while Young is Spanish candidate and Bickman is a candidate in economics.
  • Foto 4: Checking their mailboxes are four MCC candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree. They are (from left) Eleanor Schulz, Francis Fraley, Howerd Stahlheber and Amos Coles. Eleanor Schulz is an education major. Fraley is a creative writing major, Stahlheber is a Spanish major and Coles is a history major. Fraley, Stahlheber and Coles plan to remain at MCC to study for their M. A.'s.
  • Foto 5: Master of Arts degrees are the goal of above trio of MCC students (from left) Mary Bauman, John Cannon and Anne D'Ambra.

Página 6

  • From Germany To MCC Classroom
  • Beede Speaks To LAES
  • At Home... Abroad

Página 7

  • Recky Rocks MCC with Hula
  • Stiko Sees New Slant on Korea
  • Prominent Co-ed From Texas To Study Here

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Patricia Chang
  • Foto 2: Mary McGowan
  • Foto 3: Orist Sitko
  • Foto 4: Rosita Garza
  • Foto 5: Virginia Stern

Página 8

  • Graduates Reveal Plans For Future

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Outside the San Luis building are (from left) Louis B. Phillips, economics major, Francisco P. de Hoyos and Paul J. Malia, both after B. A. degrees in history.
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Todos los ejemplares
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  2. Cabeceras