Ver ejemplar del
viernes 30 de junio, 1950
en formato PDF
(8 páginas).
- Officials Will Visit Campus
- Roster Reaches Close To 1000
- Handbook Designed To Assist All "Alices In Wonderland"
- Bienvenida Tea For New Women Students
- Fourth Of July Picnic Set For Tomorrow
- Dr. French Invited To Join Council
- Writers Plan Talk Series
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- A group of inquisitive students cluster about the information desk where Alda Zannoni and Patsy Adam are giving out all the answers. At the moment the photographer snapped the scene, he happened to catch five students from New York, three from Illinois, and one each from Michigan, California, Indiana, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii.
- Improved, Enlarged Snack Bar Latest Patio Innovation
- Know Your Faculty
- July 4 th
- Tips On Mexico
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- Current Activities In The Arts
- Mad Woman Of Chaillot Going Into Rehearsal
- Campus Personalities
- Calendar Of Events
- New Club Seeks Hiding Artists
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- Ramírez
- Vic Morrow whose latest work includes leads in "End of Summer", "The Little Foxes" and "Death of a Salesman" now joins the cast of "The Madwoman".
- The cast of "The Madwoman" includes Bill Denny whose last two appearances were in "Caligula" and "The Little Foxes". Denny has been tested for motion pictures.
- Earl Sennet head of the MCC drama department has a long list of successes both as director and actor. Sennett is directing the Studio Stages production of "The Madwoman", which is schedules for presentation second week of August. Recently he portrayed the title role in "Caligula" and was selected to direct "The Little Foxes" for the International Drama Festival for the Palacio de Bellas Artes. He is the founder and guiding light of Studio Stages.
- Titina Misrachi who appeared in the initial production of Studio Stages, has been assigned the role of "Irma" in "The Madwoman of Chaillot", now in rehearsal.
- Abel Franco has appeared in the Studio Stages productions of "The Purification" and "Murder In The Cathedral". He appeared also in the Bellas Artes International Drama Festival as Ben in "The Little Foxes". Currently he is at work on "The Madwoman of Chaillot".
- The Paisano
- Legends Of The Streets Of Mexico
- MCC's Bullfighting Expert Explanis What It's All About
- Newcomers To Mexico Reveal Heterogeneous Impressions
- New Profs Like Mexico
- Librarian Recommends List Of Various Books On Mexico
- Poetry Mag Out Again
- Largest Class Given Degrees
- Dr. Villa Rojas Speaks Before Anthropologists
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- Taken immediately after the recent graduation, this informal group shows the following notables, first row, left to right: Dr. Pablo Martínez del Río, director of the National School of Anthropology and member of MCC's History and Anthropology departments; Dr. José Gaos, co-director of the Graduate School; Licenciado Luis Garrido, rector of the National University; Dean Paul V. Murray; Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas de López, director of admissions and dean of the Undergraduate School. Second row: Dr. Edmundo O' Gorman, professor of history both at MCC and the National University; Rev. Gilbert R. Hulse, rector of Christ Church; Salvador Martínez de Alva, professor of economics; Mrs. Lucille Eisenbach, chairman of the Department of English; and Nathaniel R. Patterson, veterans' attache. Also visible are Gabriel Aguirre, Carlos Bolaña e Isla, José García Ascot, Carlos Bosch García, Luis Feder, Patricia Gravalos, Mariane Alcocer Jr., Carlos Ortigoza and Patricia Ross.
- Dr. José Gaos and Dr. Lorna Lavery Stafford, co-directors of the Graduate School, conferring the degree of Master of Arts on Chela at the June commencement.
- From The Dean's Desk
- Pepinazo Gets To Laredo By Bus, Carrier Pigeon Brings Details
- The Collegian Sports Parade
- MCC's Softballers Tie, Win Their Twilight League Openers
- Twilight League Opens Season Under New Set-Up
- Incidentally Speaking...