Pyramid And Multiple Burials Discovered At Excavations
Pies de Foto
Foto 1: Cleaning the dirt away from a skeleton is ticklish business. One slip or the trowel or brush and it all could turn to dust Next Madonia, at the left and Bob Brumbaugh, are taking precise measurements of a childs remains
Foto 2: "Throw in another shovelful," says Rick Beach as he sifts for portsherds. Every ounce of dirt excavated on a dig must be closely scrutinized for evidences of civilization.
Foto 3: Prof. Daniel Wolfman, of the anthropology departament, directs student. working in the test pits All excavating 1nu't he clone with care and under close.
Foto 4: People think archeology is conducted entirely in the field. Actually ninety per cent of the work is done in the laboratory, cataloging potsherds, and writing reports. Marianne Wolfman is shown gluing a pot.