Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

University of the Americas Collegian

Vol. 20, No 3.

Km. 16, Carretera México - Toluca; México 10, D. F.

viernes 25 de noviembre, 1966

Ver ejemplar del viernes 25 de noviembre, 1966 en formato PDF (4 páginas).

Página 1

  • Lic. Salvat Honored By University
  • Student Association Organizes Committees, Plans Concrete Action
  • New Senior Ring Desing Presented
  • UA Actors Open Season With 'Dark Of The Moon'
  • Officials To Attend Annual Miami Meet

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Highest Honor – Lic. Augustin Salvat, head of the Mexican Tourism Department (left), accepts the Freternitas Award from Dr. D. Ray Lindley, UA president. Also shown are (left to right) Mrs. Bessie Galbraith, memeber of the Foreing Correspondets' Club: Richard E. Greenlaf, UA vice president; and Theyer Waldo, director of public relations.
  • Foto 2: At Least A Year – In this scene from "Dark of the Moon" Barbara Allen, played by Marion Gail, accepts the proposal of John, the witch boy, interpreted by Dewey Gallatin. If Barbara is faithful for a year, a conjure woman has promised to allow John to remain a human being forever.
  • Foto 3: Green And Gold – This design was selected from among several submitted for the new school ring. It incorporates the University insignia set under a transparent green stone in a gold band.

Página 2

  • Foreigners Should Understand Cultural Values Of Mexicans
  • Presenting Mexico
  • Labeling Marks Mentally Lazy
  • U.S. Election Returns Amuse, Disgust, Bewilder UAers
  • Hypernervous Seek Synthetic Nirvana

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: El Arbol de Tule

Página 3

  • Hillel Group Holds First Meeting Tonight
  • Fireside Plans Future Events
  • Six Pledges Accepted By Delta Sigma Pi
  • Bush Pilot, Seaman Lay s Down Coal Shovel For Textbooks
  • IR Organization Meets
  • Young Expressionist Explains Art Style
  • New York Performer Describes Theatrical World Of Fantasy

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Coal Stoker – Jay Clark began wandering the Pacific as a sailor and guerrilla in World War II, before finally settling in Hawaii.
  • Foto 2: Appointing Committees – Joe Lopez (second from right), president of UA International Relations Club, appoints members to committees for programing films, guest, speakers, fund raising, and field trips.
  • Foto 3: Expressionistic Assertion – Mexican artist Eligio Arenas, who often uses his medium to criticize current social trends, denies that he might have been influenced by Cuevas.
  • Foto 4: Model – Besides professional modeling Rucy Jason has sung, danced, and acted in professional stage productions.

Página 4

  • Frosh Hoopsters Slam Seniors In First Tilt Of Fall Tourney
  • Animal's Respect Essential In Training Dogs For Police Combat
  • UAers Go On Safari To Ainayaltepec
  • Labeling Marks Mentally...

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Mule Train – Patrick Chu Foon (left) and Rodney Ferguson (foreground) with their guide cross the river at Xaltitla, Guerrero, en route to visit Amayaltepec.
  • Foto 2: Canine Handler – Bruce Sames makes friends with a shepherd recruit in order to begin training the dog to sniff out, snatch and seize.
  • Foto 3: Bark Artist – Bob Kaupp watches as an artist in the isolated vilalge of Amayaltepec applies brilliant colors to an intricate design of animals and foliage outlined in black. The paintings made on amate, a beaten bark paper, are exported from the tiny Náhuatl speaking village to all parts of the republic.
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Todos los ejemplares
  1. Primera plana
  2. Cabeceras