Thirty Five File For B.A.'s To Be Awarded This Month
Paddol Talk Scheduled Tonight
Pies de foto
Foto 1: Douglas Butterworth
Foto 2: Miguel del Villar
Foto 3: Carmen Hellinger
Foto 4: Irving Pilch
Foto 5: Charles Laurie
Foto 6: Victor Calderón
Foto 8: Jack Natkin
Foto 9: Laurens Perry
Foto 10: Manuel Hernández
Foto 11: Linda Tempest
Foto 12: Otis Brake
Foto 13: Gerald Linde
Foto 14: Elmer Bowington
Foto 15: John Revett
Foto 16: On The BrinkDecember days grow shorter, or possibly longer, for fall quarter B. A. candidates (left to right) Bill Swezey, Gary Hime, Lee Larson, Myra Hackett, and Jerry Jinnett.
Foto 1: Texan WinnersDouglas Norvell (left), Bonny Jones, and Davis Cox were selected by the Texas Good Neighbor Commission to receive the full-tuition scholarships which MCC grants as a contribution to the work of the Commission. A fourth winner, Patricia Christy, is not pictured.
Foto 2: Tough AssignmentStudents in Merle Watcher's outdoor class in figure painting sketch model under natural light.
Foto 3: Agonized Cry The Mother (Ida Lanese) in Pirandello's drama discovers her daughter (Betty Mendelsohn) in the armes of the girl's step-father (Jerry Greenwood).
Foto 4: Delta Mu PledgesLalo Calderón, Juan Sánchez, Phil Grace, and Jess Dowdy (left to right) look forward to becoming members of the MCC chapter of the national business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi. One of the pledges' services to the college is aiding the circulation department of the Collegian staff.
Foto 1: Christmas in Mexico is marked by ritual and fun. About this time of year the markets teem with people buying candy, toys, little Biblical figurines, and piñatas, all in preparation for the traditional Christmas posadas.
Foto 2: Piñatas are clay jars decorated with brightly-covered papier-maché figures filled with candy and toys. Steps in the preparation of a piñata are shown in the pictures above and below.
Foto 1: When the time comes to break the piñata, a child or, as in this picture, an adult, is given a stick, blindfolded, and whirled around in circles. While several friends hold the piñata out of reach, the blindfolded person waves his stick wildly in hopes of hitting the piñata. Finally, after perhaps three or four people have taken their turn with the stick. someone is permitted to break the piñata. At this there is a wild scramble for the contents.
Foto 2: The first eight nights of the posadas are much the same as each other. But on Christmas Eve when the ninth night of Mary and Joseph's journey is ended, the people got to midnight mass, after wich most of them go home to a traditional Christmas Eve cena.
Ex-Schoolmarm Visits Mexico Seeking Native Arts And Crafts
MCC Art Student Tells Of Travels
Pies de foto
Foto 1: Betty Mendelsohn
Foto 2: "Room For One More"sonorously intones MCC sophomore Albert Haney. An antique car fancier for many years, Haney has owned and driven many of America's classic automobiles and at present uses this hearse for transportation.
Foto 3: Interest In Mexican CraftsGuida Burgan (M.A. '56) is in Mexico collecting native crafts.
Foto 4: Bruce Wilson
Foto 5: Global HItchhikerOtto Stanley Wulff, who has traveled over most of Europe and North America and is now in Mexico studying art at MCC, intends to make Canada his permanet home.
Foto 1: Foreing TravelersMartha and Jeff Cushing, freshmen at MCC, are seen "platicando" on the terrace.
Foto 2: Sister And Brother?No, Jackie "Little Bo" Bowington, on the left, is Elmer "Bo" Bowington's freshman daughter. Bo, on the right, is president of the junior class. Jackie is vicepresident of her class.
Foto 3: Arturo SoutoThe new Spanish department instructor was born in Spain.
Foto 1: The KillersHolding down last place in the league's official standings, MCC's fist female bowlers rank number one in their league-mates unofficial ratings. Standing, left to right, Olivia Derby, Jackie Bowington, Susan Rodgers. Kneeling, Karen Peterson and Nancy McGregor.
Foto 2: StrikeAt least that is what Karen Peterson's form suggests as she rolls one down the El Bol Silverio alleys.