New Blood Mixes With Old As Elections On Campus End
Winter Enrollment Goes Over 900 Mark
WQIM Students Arrive on Campus for Study, Travel
Israeli Legation Member Speaks
Pies de Foto
Foto 1: New class presidents discuss future plans alter the recent election on campus. Shown from left to right are Douglas Mann, James Wolf, Andy Esquivel and Dean Price, presidents of the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes respectively.
Foto 2: The political battle over, class officers meet on the bench in front of the post office to originate ideas for this year 's student government. Seated, left to right, are Bob Chappell, senior vicepresident; Pat Sheridan, junior secretary-treasurer; Kathleen Newiome, sophomore secretary-tresurer; Raymond Nosari, senior secretariy-treasurer; and Ken Postert sophomore vice president. Standing are Dick Torres, junior vice-president; and George Blackwell, freshman vice-president.
Lack Of Capital Funds Causes Delay In MCC Accreditation
Pies de Foto
Foto 1: Newly elected student council members for the 1959 academic year shown above from left to right are: Bob Chappell, treasurer; Andy Esquivel, president; Pat Sheridan, corresponding secretary; Dean Price, vice-president.
Foto 1: "A picture of mel" was the cert WQIMers steppins off the busses is photographer Pease went into action. Only the driver seemed dubious. In the picture (left to right) Ronny Rocco of Canton, Ohio Vikcy Lou Ress of Stubenville, Ohio; Join Hirschfield of Cleveland; and Arnold Shifman of Canton.
Foto 2: Three Kent State students concentrate on coffee and doughnuts after the trip. Left to right are Gayle Willits of Jamestrown, N.Y.; Jackie Hurr of Akron, Ohio; and Sandra Ripley of New Philadelphia, Ohio. The expressions on their faces come from tired girl, not old doughnut.
Foto 3: Whet the well-drened collegiate weirs got left behind in brolcendown bus, but few luclcy students had their with them. Maureen Boudreau of Cleveland end Jean Yet of Columbus (foreground) are caught .
Foto 1: But room 35 is all the way across the campus from room 36," misht well be the plaint of these three newcomers. Jeanine Hendricks of Cleveland and Jeanette Solsky and Marcia Bronson of Alcron, set advice from fraternity members Ralph Meyers and Raymond Nosari kountins clockwise.
Foto 2: Early and eager for the first day of classes at MCC, a group of students boards the bus for the scenic trip to campus. Staffer Pease had the camera on hand to catch them 'bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.'
Foto 3: "And then you fill this form out, over and over and over ... ", and six more WQIMers are resistered for classes. Clockwise around the table are Arleen Freeman of Columbus, Jon Oversard from Michisan State, Jill Adelman of Canton, Arlene Cohen, Lawrence Brown and Judy Klein, all of Toledo.
Students Take Potshots At Tourists Who Put Compatriots In Bad Light
Fulbright Fellowship Awarded To Meier
Elledge Highlights Salmon Expedition
Pies de Foto
Foto 1: "The million dollar baby", movie gueen Nancy Carroll, finds Spanish at MCC and Mexico much to her liking.
Foto 2: A scene from the Fall Quarter production of John Pearson's music-drama The Shawl shows p· Shrady, The Boy, in the foreground while The Woman In Black Freida Hochstein hovers over cad'e.rre Bob Stricklan (left) and Wayne lewis. The. world-production also' featured Nance and John Davis. Others members of the cast included Michael Sheil Sharla Fogli Rodney J, Fernando Cueller, Jose Cadena, and Ronald Walpole. Arnold Belkig designed the set and Ronaldow pole was stage manager for the director, Richard Posner. The original music was composed by the author.
Foto 1: "Contemporary American poetry is finally breaking away from sophisticated obscurity", says William Beyer, who has published considerable verse.
Californian Claims Road To Movie Fame Does Not Await'Glamorous Job' Holders
Cagemen Treli North With Victory Spirit
No New Intra Play
Pies de Foto
Foto 1: Alley mighters, Mexico City College varsity bowling team, set sights on title as league competition begins. Kneeling left to right are Richard Torres Ralph Yopp, Don Clayton; standing left to right are Slark Penn, Jene Bardwell, and Saul Ruiz. The club won their opening game 3-1.
Foto 2: Dry docked yacht master Pete Wray Bartling poses beside model of Porsche Carrera which he used to race. A surfboard enthusiast in addition to other two sports, Ray is a sportsman on land and sea.