Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

Mexico City Collegian “The American College South Of The Border”

Vol. 8, No 3.

Km. 16, Carretera México - Toluca; México 10, D. F.

jueves 11 de noviembre, 1954

Ver ejemplar del jueves 11 de noviembre, 1954 en formato PDF (8 páginas).

Página 1

  • B. A. Degree Candidates Take Examns Dec. 2, 3
  • Six MCC Explorers Reach Tops of Mexico Mountains
  • Collegian Attains Highest Rating in U.S. Press Judging
  • Winter Pre-Registration Begins November 15

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Path Murphy.
  • Foto 2: Members of MCC explorers club.

Página 2

  • Demarest Discovers Guest Column Substitute: Publicity Hands Outs
  • Girls Find Millionaires of Costa Rica

Página 3

  • Tor Eigeland, Man of Many Jobs, Ambitions
  • Drama Club Plans December Show
  • MCC Will Have Booth At Texas Convention

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: MCC sholarships for outstanding graduates at the American High School were awarded this year to Lila Welsh and Terry Sheridan.
  • Foto 2: MCC's Booth ar the Texas State Teachers Convention November 25-27 will feature matials on the College and articles of interest concerning Mexico and its folk cultuers.

Página 4

  • At Home Though Abroad

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Robert Young.
  • Foto 2: Acapulco Shore Roots.
  • Foto 3: Fish Nets.

Página 5

  • At Home Though Abroad

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Lowly Coat Hangers.
  • Foto 2: Michoacan Maks.
  • Foto 3: Reglecting his satisfactions.
  • Foto 4: Planters.

Página 6

  • Spirited Group Organizes Azteca Cheering Squad
  • World Traveled Co-ed Masters Eight Tongues
  • Rev. Hunter Guthrie Talks On "Civilization Versus Culture" At Assembly

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Cheering champs.
  • Foto 2: Rev. Hunter Guthrie
  • Foto 3: Monique de Kok

Página 7

  • Mexican Ballet Focuses All Arts On One Stage for Spectacular Season

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Helena Jordan and Juan Casados.
  • Foto 2: Lovely Rocio Sagaon
  • Foto 3: On this week's program is Titeresco (below).

Página 8

  • Stone Contends For Esquivel's Slot in Backfield
  • Pumas Hit Green Wave 37-12, In Surprise Upset

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Stone is brought down.
  • Foto 2: Ken Stone
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Todos los ejemplares
  1. Primera plana
  2. Cabeceras