Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

Mexico City Collegian

Vol. 7, No 3.

México, D. F.

jueves 12 de noviembre, 1953

Ver ejemplar del jueves 12 de noviembre, 1953 en formato PDF (8 páginas).

Página 1

  • 'Pygmalion' Cast To Star Sennett and Whitbourn
  • Dr. Elmendorf Will Tour Eastern U.S. Colleges, Firms
  • Annual Art Exhibit Opens In December
  • Film Series Shown At MCC
  • Noted Authors Accept Invite To Judge in Literary Contest
  • Theather Group Plans Musical

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Rehearsing for the players, INC. production of "Pygmalion" with Earl Sennett, head of the College Drama Department, who is directing the production and who will also appear in the lead role of Henry Higgins. Left to right: Earl Sennett; Richard Brown, who plays Freddie; Rosamond Kelty, who will appear as the parlor maid; and Leonard Gardener and Maynard Rogers, who will be seen as bystanders.
  • Foto 2: James Norman
  • Foto 3: Howard Phillips

Página 2

  • Three Fold Purpose
  • Books In Review
  • President's Desk
  • Music In Mexico
  • At Home-Abroad

Página 3

  • Dr. Bunting At MCC On Ford Fellowship
  • Dr. Campos Aids In Cultural Interchange
  • Chicago Alumni
  • Dean Lopez On Much Needed Vacation
  • New Student Council Begins Official Tasks
  • Garza Speaks Before Queen, Dignitaries

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1:Taking time out from official duties are the newly elected officers of the Student Council left
    to right, Gus Gutierrez, vice-chairman; Norma Krei .nerman, secretary-treasurer, and Louis Roberts ;hair.
    man. Roberts hails from Boston Mass., and before coming to MCC, was president of the studen't body
    at Bowdoin College (Brunswick, Maine). He is a past feature editor of the Collegian treasurer of the
    Press Club, member of the LAES and director of the current college literary contest. Included among Gus
    Gutierrez's interests are the LAES, Bowling League, Press Club, and the Chess Societ)'. His hometown
    is Managua, Nicaragua and he is an ex-student of the University of California. Norma Kreimerman of Mexico
    City, was secretary of societies at the American High School and also at a private school in Los Angeles.
  • Foto 2: Dr. Erainbridge Bunting
  • Foto 3: Josephine Garza

Página 4

  • Recent Discovery of Ancient [De...ees] from Veracruz

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: The photos are published through courtes of the Wenner-Gren Foundation. The pieces were made available through courtesy of Sr. Alfonso Medellín Zenil.

Página 5

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: (Note: Mr. Peterson is a graduate of MCC, Department of Anthropology, class of 50, and is now working in Mexico under the auspices of the Wener-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research by means of a grant-in-aid.)

Página 6

  • Pohl Finds Spain In Progressive Mood
  • Dr. Campa Lectures In Spain
  • Young Vet Has New Slant On Bullfighting

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: During his travels in Spain, George Pohl made a voluminous pictorial record of the country, among them this shot of a castle ar Segovia where Isabela La Católica was crowned.
  • Foto 2: Jerry Carter

Página 7

  • Frustrating Season Ends In Whim-Wham
  • Ar Home... Abroad
  • Green Wave Inundates Leopards from California

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Her Majesty Griselda Mejia (second from right), queen of Homecoming Dance held at the Centro Asturiano Saturday. She is shown with three of her princesses, Beverly Berlin, Laura Ruman, and Graciela Doring. Other princesses were Rosita Gaza. Nancy Windham, Norma Kreimerman, Betty Anne Burdick, Connie Carmona, Esther Gerber, and Heidi Christman. (Picture courtesy of El Universal).
  • Foto 2: Alex Esquivel, winner of the best player of the Politecnico-MCC Game Award (right hand) and one of the recipients of Radio Mil's outstanding player of the week award.

Página 8

  • Books in Review
  • Music in Mexico
  • Cupid Keeps Hitting The Mark
  • Grad News
  • Ambientes a Escoger

Pies de foto

  • Foto 1: Whose move?–Members of the Mexico City College Chess Club at a recent meetin in the Patio. Standing (L to R) James Gaughran, J. Kurt, Stan Orrell, Chuck Parkyn, Nan Harris, James Kenneth, Sol Porta, R. Phel, and Bob Chapman. Seated (L to R) Terry McGinnis, Joe Rosales, Charles Angle, and Club President Bob Sato.
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Todos los ejemplares
  1. Primera plana
  2. Cabeceras