Tesis profesional presentada por Jack Anton Hardy

Maestría en Lingüística Aplicada. Departamento de Lenguas. Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Jurado Calificador

Presidente: Dr. Antonio Rico Sulayes
Secretario y Director: Dra. Brita Banitz
Vocal: Dr. Timothy Jay Benson Rasch

Cholula, Puebla, México a 11 de mayo de 2007.


This paper describes the investigation and description of the vocabulary in two beginning level, Spanish as a second language textbooks that were both published in Mexico. This investigation makes use of a relatively new method of textbook analysis, which involves the measuring of real-world frequency of the vocabulary presented in a text. A frequency list of the most frequent 5,000 words in an extensive corpus of modern written and spoken Spanish was used to describe the words chosen by...

Resumen (archivo pdf, 8 kb).

Hardy, J. A. 2007. Vocabulary Coverage in Textbooks for Learners of Spanish. Tesis Maestría. Lingüística Aplicada. Departamento de Lenguas, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Mayo. Derechos Reservados © 2007.