


Capítulo 1.  Abstract

Capítulo 2.  Introduction

  • 2.1 a. Viruses
  • 2.2 b. Hepatitis Viruses
  • 2.3 c. Hepatitis C Virus
  • 2.4 d. Epidemiology
  • 2.5 e. Clinical Features
  • 2.6 f. HCV Replication
  • 2.7 g. HCV Therapy
  • 2.8 h. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
  • 2.9 i. Silymarin
  • 2.10 j. Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1)
  • 2.11 k. Importance of the Replicons

Capítulo 3.  Overall Goal

Capítulo 4.  Specific Aims

Capítulo 5.  Hypothesis

Capítulo 6.  Justification

Capítulo 7.  Materials and Methods

  • 7.1 a. Chemicals and Antibodies
  • 7.2 b. Routine Cell Culture
  • 7.3 c. Treatment and RNA Isolation
  • 7.4 d. Reverse Transcription
  • 7.5 e. Quantitative Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR)
  • 7.6 f. Treatment and Western Blot
  • 7.7 g. MTT Assay
  • 7.8 h. Statistical Analysis of Data

Capítulo 8.  Results

  • 8.1 a. Determination of optimum Fetal Bovine Serum concentrations for induction of HCV core, HCV NS5A and HO-1 mRNAs in CNS3 and 9-13 cells
  • 8.2 b. Dose response and time course studies of mRNA levels in CNS3 cells treated with Silymarin
  • 8.3 c. Silymarin down-regulates HCV core protein in CNS3 cells
  • 8.4 d. Dose response and time course studies of selected mRNA levels in 9-13 cells treated with Silymarin
  • 8.5 e. Silymarin up-regulates HCV NS5A protein levels in 9-13 cells 42
  • 8.6 f. HO-1 mRNA induction by Silymarin in wild-type Huh7-cells 44
  • 8.7 g. Dose response experiments of Silymarin and interferon on HCV core and HO-1 mRNA levels in CNS3 cells
  • 8.8 h. Effects of the combined treatment of Silymarin and Interferon on HCV core mRNA in CNS3 cells
  • 8.9 i. Silymarin alone or in combination with interferon has similar effects on HCV core protein levels in CNS3 cells
  • 8.10 j. Effects of increasing concentrations of Silymarin and interferon on HCV NS5A and HO-1 mRNA levels in 9-13 cells at 24 and 48 h
  • 8.11 k. The combination of Silymarin and interferon have the same effects on HCV NS5A mRNA levels as treatment with Silymarin alone in 9-13 cells at 24 h
  • 8.12 l. Silymarin alone or in combination with interferon has similar effects on HCV NS5A protein levels in 9-13 cells
  • 8.13 m. Silymarin alone or in combination with interferon up-regulates HO-1 mRNA levels in Huh-7 cells
  • 8.14 n. Silymarin does not affect expression of Bach1 or Nrf2 transcription factors in wild type Huh-7, CNS3 and 9-13 cells
  • 8.15 o. HCV regulation by Silymarin is not related by the Jak-Stat Pathway
  • 8.16 p. Cytotoxicity of Silymarin in CNS3, 9-13 and Huh-7 cells

Capítulo 9.  Discussion

Capítulo 10.  Conclusions


Apéndice A.  I- Standard Curves for Quantitative RT-PCR Assays

Apéndice B.  II- BCA Method to measure protein concentrations

Apéndice C.  III- Prepare a 1mM stock solution of MTT formazan solution: 3.35mg of MTT formazan in 10mL of MTT solvent (0.1N HCl in isopropanol)

Bonifaz Peña, V. E. 2007. Effects of Silymarin on Hepatitis C Virus and Heme Oxygenase-1 Gene Expression in Human Liver Cells. Tesis Maestría. Biotecnología. Departamento de Ciencias Químico-Biológicas, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Julio. Derechos Reservados © 2007.