Artículo Científico presentado por
Miembro del Programa de Honores. Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales. Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencias Políticas. Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
Jurado Calificador
Director: Dr. Ronald Guy Emerson
Presidente: Dra. Alison Elizabeth Lee
Secretaria: Dra. Dainzú López de
Lara Espinosa
Cholula, Puebla, México a 20 de junio de 2023.
This article aims to scrutinize the legislation that dictates the identities and experiences of queer refugees and asylum seekers looking to enter the United Kingdom. It does so through the perspective of the necropolitical process of forced migration, employing the Nationality and Borders Act as a reference. It then highlights the existence of bureaucratic necropolitics within this issue. Using a qualitative methodological approach, this research seeks to shed light on the intricate dynamics of bureaucratic necropolitics, pro-morituri immigration laws, and their implications for queer refugees and asylum seekers. It was revealed that the deliberate deployment of specific language and methodologies within this law can inflict severe harm and endanger the lives of queer refugees.
Key words: Bureaucratic Necropolitics, Refugees, Queer studies
Palabras clave: Bureaucratic necropolitics, Refugees, Asylum, Queer, LGBTQ.
Capítulo 1. Introduction
Capítulo 2. Background of discriminatory legislation in the UK
Capítulo 3. Problematizing the Nationality and Borders Act
Capítulo 4. Conclusions and recommendations
Granados Chávez, F. 2023. Legislating Identities: Bureaucratic Necropolitics, Displacement of Queer Refugees and Inequities in UK Immigration. Artículo Científico Licenciatura. Relaciones Internacionales. Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencias Políticas, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Junio. Derechos Reservados © 2023.