Proyecto Integrador presentado por Debora Sand

Licenciatura en International Business Administration. Departamento de Administración de Negocios Internacionales. Escuela de Negocios y Economía, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Jurado Calificador

Presidente: Prof. Dr. Günther Reiter
Vocal y Director: Mtro. Juan Miguel Roberto Rodríguez Durán
Secretario: Mtro. Iván Jorge Villa Arnaiz

Cholula, Puebla, México a 27 de abril de 2011.


Dry beans are an important crop in the Mexican agricultural sector. Production, commercialization and consumption of dry beans are part of the Mexican culture. Though, the situation of the producers in many cases is challenging. Climatic, structural and cultural factors difficult profitable operations.

This paper analyzes the situation of a specific group of producers in a village in the state of Puebla. The paper is part of a project intending to analyze and to improve the situation of these producers. It is realized in cooperation between the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) and the Foundation PRODUCE, an organization for agricultural development.

The analyses are based on the findings of precedent reports on dry bean production in Mexico and in Puebla. Principals and methods of strategic planning and management are the basis for the design of the investigation.

After the formulation of mission and vision statements, concrete strategic objectives and indicators to measure their achievement are defined in the form of a Balanced Scorecard. Subsequently, the internal and external circumstances are described and evaluated using SWOT analysis and the analysis of Porter's Five Forces. The findings of these analyses provide a basis for crafting a strategic plan for the producers. This plan consists firstly, of a general strategic approach and secondly, of a list of concrete strategic initiatives and measures to be taken by the different functional areas: operations/production, marketing, finance, and human resources.

The paper concludes that the producers face a difficult situation and need to approach the achievement of their objectives comprehensively taking advantage of all the support available. Important conditions for success are cooperation, entrepreneurial spirit and flexibility.

Table of content

Índices (archivo pdf, 89 kb)

Capítulo 1. Presentation of the Problem (archivo pdf, 240 kb)

  • 1.1 Panorama of Agriculture in Mexico
  • 1.2 Cultivation of Dry Beans in Mexico
  • 1.3 Description of the Problem

Capítulo 2. Literature Review (archivo pdf, 448 kb)

  • 2.1 Introduction
  • 2.2 Precedent investigations: Cultivation of Dry beans in Mexico
  • 2.3 Precedent Investigations: Bean Cultivation in the State of Puebla
  • 2.4 Theory: The Process of Strategic Planning

Capítulo 3. Methodology (archivo pdf, 147 kb)

  • 3.1 Research Problem and Objective of the Investigation
  • 3.2 Type of Research
  • 3.3 Sources of Information
  • 3.4 Design of the Investigation
  • 3.5 Use of Methods
  • 3.6 Presentation of Results
  • 3.7 Schedule of Activities

Capítulo 4. Data Analysis and Strategic Plan (archivo pdf, 350 kb)

  • 4.1 Definition of Mission and Vision
  • 4.2 Setting Objectives
  • 4.3 Internal and External Analysis
  • 4.4 Crafting a strategy

Capítulo 5. Conclusions and Recommendations (archivo pdf, 82 kb)

  • 5.1 Conclusions
  • 5.2 Recommendations

Referencias (archivo pdf, 19 kb)

Sand, D. 2011. Strategic Planning for an Association of Producers of Dry Beans in the State of Puebla, Mexico. - Planeación Estratégica para una Asociación de Productores de Frijol en el Estado de Puebla, México. Proyecto Integrador Licenciatura. International Business Administration. Departamento de Administración de Negocios Internacionales, Escuela de Negocios y Economía, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Abril. Derechos Reservados © 2011.