Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Dirección de Bibliotecas

Colecciones Digitales Periódicos Universitarios

Mexico City Collegian “The American College South Of The Border”

Vol. 12, No 9.

Km. 16, Carretera México - Toluca; México 10, D. F.

miércoles 13 de mayo, 1959

Ver ejemplar del miércoles 13 de mayo, 1959 en formato PDF (8 páginas).

Página 1

  • Wayne Morse To Speak At MCC Commencement
  • Seven Candidates For Rose Of Delta Sig Named By Fraternity
  • Five Hundred For Best Cover Design
  • List Reveals Openings For Teaching Positions
  • Grad Record Exams
  • Golding Lectures In England, Italy

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Jacquie Phenix
  • Foto 2: Catherine Cromwell
  • Foto 3: Louise Kruttschnitt
  • Foto 4: Carolyn Bailey
  • Foto 5: Dee Barlow
  • Foto 6: Virginia Nelson
  • Foto 7: Susan Ellis
  • Foto 8: Senator Wayne Morse, Democrat from Oregon, will be the guest speaker at the fifteenth MCC commencement on June 11. Morse has been in the U. S. Senate since 1944 and has taken an active interest in Latin American affairs. He is also interested in MCC and the work the college is doing.

Página 2

  • Presenting Mexico
  • Unsigned Letter To Paper Provokes Editor's Comment
  • Latest Kerouac Novel Shows Descriptive Vigor
  • College Privileged To Have Senator Morse Speak Here
  • Lack Of Communication Creates Real Problem

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Village by the lake: When driving to Guadalajara along high,vay 15, and at about kilometer 624, one comes to a road which meanders off to the right towards the mountains which ring Lake Chapala. At the end of this road lies the village of Jocotepec; its single towered Colonial church can be seen from the highway.

Página 3

  • NDEA Information Given By Elmendorf
  • Numerous Fields Covered by Books Given To Library
  • Price Returns From Testing Meet
  • Dr. Tharp Receives Achievement Award
  • College Trustees Approve Prep School Sponsorship
  • Sixty-Four Named To Dean's Honor List

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Delta Sigma Pi's annual help week gets under way as the members go to work pain It doin other needed repair work at the Mixcooc Mental Hospital.
  • Foto 2: This Quarter's student council officers discuss the work ahead. Pictured are, from left to right, Jim Wolf, corresponding secretary; Alice Lins, recording secretary; Dean Price, president; Tom Gibson, vicepresident; and Dick Torres, treasurer.
  • Foto 3: From the dean's honor list left to right, are: Pat Sheridon, fourth time; Jose Garza sixth time, Dean Woods third time, Garno Christian, third time; Lenore Estey, first time;and Jim Bolman, second time honor student.
  • Foto 4: Dr. James B. Tharp

Página 4

  • Mystery Surrounds Trotsky's Killer
  • MCC Prof Recalls Highlights Of Murder, Trial

Pies deFoto

  • Foto 1: Surrounded by reporters ond court officia is, questioned (bandaged) is questioned by Judgo Dr. Raul Carranco y Trujilllo (lower loft-seated) whole Loe. Anzures (seated ot typewriter) records the killer's statements.
  • Foto 2: The killer ofter nearly twenty years in prison seems confident and prosperous. As to what will happen to him when he is released next year as scheduled, Anzures guesses that "if he is killed, it will be lo keep him quiet about what he knows."
  • Foto 3: Surrounded by members of the Secret Police, Jacques Mornard, in the garden facing the study of the Trotsky home, reveals how he picked the great Russian leader from behind while the latter was reading an article of Mornard's. Bandages around killer's head indicate damage done by faithful Trotsky aides before the intervention of Trotsky's wife.

Página 5

  • Mystery Surrounds Trotsky's Killer
  • MCC Prof Recalls Highlights Of Murder, Trial

Pies deFoto

  • Foto 1: Chief of Police Juan Nunez (right) and doctors of Mexico's Green Cross stand ot bedside of Leon Trotsky who, though pierced through the skull by Mornard's pickaxe, managed to live nearly 24 hours after receiving the wound.
  • Foto 2: A sample of Trotsky's handwriting was given to Lie. Anzures by presiding Judge Carranco y Trujillo after the trial of Mornard had t erminated. The two words " Vsevolod Dedushka" (meoning grandfather) were written shortly after the first attempt on the Red leader's life.
  • Foto 3: At the scene of the murder and acting as court scribo is Lic. Enrique Anzures (seated). Picture was taken only a few hour after the crime. Marnard (center) still weak from a beating received from Trotsky aids, is supported by two secret service men.

Página 6

  • Greenhorn Schnell Finds Drilling Oil In Texas Fields Sometimes A 'Blowout'
  • Young Named Director
  • Ideals, Ideas, OF Beatism Find Friends, Foes, In Outspoken Faculty Panel Group
  • Pakistan Donates Islamic Literature
  • Grad Works In Burma

Pies de Fotos

  • Foto 1: Ready to air their views, panel members listen to Ernest Kirby's reading of 'beat' poet Allen Ginsberg. From left to right, Kirby, Vincent Carruba, Robert Bidwell, Tom Gilmore, Ted Robins, Stanley Moron, Richard Greenleaf, and Morton Sloane.
  • Foto 2: Boll Weevil Schnell (right) tells Richard Gibbons, Collegian reporter, oil about ' rigs' a nd 'roughnecks.'

Página 7

  • Yam uni Back From Middle East Odyssey
  • School Librarians Return From Meet In San Luis
  • Chaucer Club Elects Officers
  • Pan American Hires MCCers
  • Co-ed Sets Sights On Foreign Service Work
  • Siguen Investigando El Sentido De Los Manuscritos De Qumran

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: Dr. Vera G Yamuni
  • Foto 2: Carole "Coco" Colteaux, pert blonde addition to the MCC campus, doesn't believe in the old adage that a woman's place is in the home. She is preparing for a career in diplomatic service.

Página 8

  • Masters Loused Up Piojos Jump For Joy
  • Gene Hit Spot, Foes Ball Jack
  • MCC Bases Multiply As Aztecas Divide
  • Rains Put Damper One Tourney Opener
  • Plans Formulate For Annual Sports Feast
  • Larry Novak Throws Weight Around, Does Not Muscle In Fellow Man
  • Shots In Dark Earn New Win

Pies de Foto

  • Foto 1: MCC goes to dogs in a big way at recent dog show on campus attended by several hundred interested spectators. Left to right are the judge, Edward Jenner of the American Kennel Club; Alice Murray presenting the trophy donated by Mexico City College; the winning Pekingese, judged best in group; and owner, Rodrigo Quevedo of Mexico City.
  • Foto 2: Look Ma, one hand. Larry Nowak, MCC student and body-builder, strengthens the typing arm in preparation for June finals.
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Todos los ejemplares
  1. Primera plana
  2. Cabeceras