Tesis profesional presentada por Mariola Camacho Lie [mariola.camachole@udlap.mx]

Miembro del Programa de Honores. Licenciatura en Ingeniería Química. Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Alimentos y Ambiental. Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Jurado Calificador

Director: Dra. Nelly Ramírez Corona
Presidente: Dr. Aurelio López Malo Vigil
Secretario: Dra. María Teresa Jiménez Munguía

Cholula, Puebla, México a 22 de junio de 2022.


Droplet size has great scientific and industrial relevance in the effectiveness of atomization. In this work, a bibliographic review was carried out on the development of models for the prediction of droplet size in pneumatic and ultrasonic atomizers. Likewise, they carried out different sensitivity analyses to study the effect of variables related to the properties of the liquid, characteristics of the atomizer, and operating conditions in these two types of atomization. It was concluded that in pneumatic atomization the droplet size increases with the increase in viscosity and surface tension or the decrease in ALR and air velocity; while in ultrasonic atomization, the droplet size increases with the increase in flow rate, power, and surface tension or the decrease in viscosity and frequency. Density in pneumatic atomization has a complex behavior on droplet size related to the characteristics of the atomizer and behavior of the feed flow. The experimental study of the effects of the variables studied is recommended, as well as the consideration and a more detailed study of the film thickness, atomization time, and droplet size distribution.

Keywords: droplet size; atomization; pneumatic; ultrasound; liquid properties; atomizer characteristics; operations conditions.

Table of content



Capítulo 1. Introduction

Capítulo 2. Atomization theory of the pneumatic and ultrasound nozzle and quantitative predictions for droplet size

  • 2.1 Pneumatic atomizer
  • 2.2 Ultrasound atomizer

Capítulo 3. Materials and methods

  • 3.1 Study cases
  • 3.2 Solution and modeling methodology

Capítulo 4. Results and discussion

  • 4.1 Pneumatic atomization
  • 4.2 Ultrasonic atomization

Capítulo 5. Conclusions

Capítulo 6. Recommendations and future work


Apéndice A. Experimental data graphs

Apéndice B. MATLAB® codes

Apéndice C. Droplet size predictions and comparison with experimental data

Camacho Lie, M. 2022. Factors influencing droplet size in pneumatic and ultrasonic atomization. Tesis Licenciatura. Ingeniería Química. Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Alimentos y Ambiental, Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Junio. Derechos Reservados © 2022.