Caso Vivencial presentado por
Licenciatura en Administración de Negocios Internacionales. Departamento de Negocios Internacionales. Escuela de Negocios y Economía, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
Jurado Calificador
Presidente: Dra. Elizabeth Salamanca Pacheco
Vocal y Director: Dra. Adoración
Rodríguez Batres
Secretario: Mtra. Margarita Heredia Soto
Cholula, Puebla, México a 8 de mayo de 2007.
In recent years, candles have seen a major surge in popularity around the globe, as has the craft of candle-making. Be it trend or fad, candles are in vogue.
Abril, a corporation established in Vancouver, Canada; is devoted to design, manufacture, distribute and sale handcrafted, high quality, scented candles.
In light of a previously elaborated Export Business Plan, which lacked core marketing data, a Strategic Marketing Plan was proposed to serve as filler in achieving a successful export venture, plus assuring proper positioning in the United States; a country that proves to be the ideal target market for candles.
This study focuses on comparing Abril´s past research with current market data; ultimately orquestrating a functional plan to successfully build an image for the company.
In the making of this project some limitations arise from the nature of the company´s operational methods related to the financial and economical aspects, thus making it challenging to truly build a complete scope on the strategy to be adopted.
Abril´s handcrafted contemporaneous candles are the competitive advantage that lures the costumers, who will be willing to pay premium-price in order to obtain premium-quality. Selective distribution through a wholesaler complements the strategy, along with ongoing availability and an assertive promotion strategy that will allow the company to become profitable within a competitive environment.
Capítulo 1. Company profile (archivo pdf, 247 kb)
Capítulo 2. Theoretical foundation (archivo pdf, 266 kb)
Capítulo 3. Solution design proposal (archivo pdf, 95 kb)
Capítulo 4. Strategic marketing plan synopsis (archivo pdf, 245 kb)
Capítulo 5. Conclusions & recommendations (archivo pdf, 28 kb)
Referencias (archivo pdf, 54 kb)
Anexo 2. Twenty five countries considered and studied for exporting candles (archivo pdf, 12 kb)
Anexo 3. The selection of countries is determined by gross domestic product (archivo pdf, 24 kb)
Anexo 4. United States: Decorative Candles in 2006 (archivo pdf, 23 kb)
Castellanos Alfaro, D. M. 2007. Strategic Marketing Plan Development: Abril Candle Factory. Caso Vivencial Licenciatura. Administración de Negocios Internacionales. Departamento de Negocios Internacionales, Escuela de Negocios y Economía, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Mayo. Derechos Reservados © 2007.