Tesis profesional presentada por
Licenciatura en Idiomas. Departamento de Lenguas. Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
Jurado Calificador
Presidente: Dra. Brita Banitz
Secretario y Director: Dra. Connie Rae Johnson
Vocal: Dra. Louise Mary Greathouse Amador
Cholula, Puebla, México a 12 de mayo de 2011.
Spanish is a language where the use of subject pronouns is not required. The subject is marked on the verb through person and number inflections, which allows pronouns to be dropped altogether, making Spanish a pro-drop language. When subject pronouns are used in pro-drop languages, they usually emphasize, show contrast, or clarify. Therefore, it is often said that using subject pronouns in pro-drop languages is a speaker´s pragmatic choice. The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether or not native Mexican Spanish-speaking children from 5;03 to 8;10 years old are able to use subject pronouns pragmatically. The manner in which children use such pronouns will be compared and contrasted with the uses of subject pronouns by adults. The expected results are that by the age of 5, children will have already mastered the use of subject pronouns in Spanish.
Barrera Cobos, M. d. 2011. The pragmatic use of subject pronouns in native Spanish-speaking Mexican children. Tesis Licenciatura. Idiomas. Departamento de Lenguas, Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Mayo. Derechos Reservados © 2011.