Tesis profesional presentada por Ana María Argüelles Rodríguez

Licenciatura en Idiomas. Departamento de Lenguas. Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Jurado Calificador

Presidente: Dra. Connie Rae Johnson McDaniel
Secretario y Director: Dra. Louise Mary Greathouse Amador
Vocal: Dra. Brita Banitz

Cholula, Puebla, México a 6 de mayo de 2011.


In Mexico, 40% of the population in primary and secondary schools suffer from bullying; verbal assaults represent the form of aggression with a higher percentage among school children (CNDH, 2010). This form of harassment may not leave evident scars as physical assaults; nonetheless, the consequences of verbal violence can also be detrimental.

Television and the violent content presented on it have been considered a harmful source of knowledge for children that may allow them to imitate, learn, and reinforce unacceptable behaviours. In this investigation, an analysis of the discourse presented in the cartoon The Fairly OddParents was carried out aiming to find out if children are being exposed to verbal aggressions. Furthermore, a group discussion was carried out in order to know what perceptions children have towards violent acts in the cartoon.

The results obtained from the discourse analysis showed that children who watch this television show are being exposed to several forms of direct and indirect verbal violence. Additionally, what children commented on the group discussion showed that most of the times they see violence as an unaccepted conduct, although there are some cases where they think it is acceptable. Also, it was observed that younger children do not always understand what is shown and that they form their own conclusions. The results obtained from the analysis of discourse as well as from the group discussion suggest that media education could be used as a tool to eradicate and prevent the violent practices among school children.

Table of content

Agradecimientos (archivo pdf, 115 kb)

Índices (archivo pdf, 205 kb)

Capítulo 1. Introduction (archivo pdf, 252 kb)

  • 1.1 Introduction to the problem
  • 1.2 Purpose of the study
  • 1.3 Hypothesis, research questions, and limitations
  • 1.4 Organization of the thesis

Capítulo 2. Literature Review (archivo pdf, 560 kb)

  • 2.1 Discourse
  • 2.2 Mass media
  • 2.3 Bullying
  • 2.4 Television policies in Mexico

Capítulo 3. Methodology (archivo pdf, 306 kb)

  • 3.1 Part 1 - Discourse analysis
  • 3.2 Part 2 - Group discussion with children

Capítulo 4. Results of the study and discussion (archivo pdf, 451 kb)

  • 4.1 Part 1 - Discourse analysis
  • 4.2 Part 2 - Group discussion with the children

Capítulo 5. Conclusions and Recommendations (archivo pdf, 279 kb)

  • 5.1 Conclusions
  • 5.2 Recommendations

Referencias (archivo pdf, 255 kb)

Apéndice A. Entrevista (archivo pdf, 77 kb)

Apéndice B. Encuestas (archivo pdf, 172 kb)

Argüelles Rodríguez, A. M. 2011. A critical analysis of discourse found in a cartoon for children in Mexico. Tesis Licenciatura. Idiomas. Departamento de Lenguas, Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Mayo. Derechos Reservados © 2011.