Tesis profesional presentada por Marcia Alexandra Kerfin Canto

Licenciatura en Ingeniería Mecánica. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica. Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Jurado Calificador

Presidente: Dr. Wieslaw Switek Wojcik
Vocal y Director: M.C. Carlos Enrique Jorge Acosta Mejía
Secretario: Mtro. Juan Carlos Cisneros Ortega

Cholula, Puebla, México a 17 de diciembre de 2004.


This research project seeks to propose a model of technology transfer suited for Mexico, specifically for the Mexican Automotive Industry. First, the concept of technology is presented by studying its various definitions, components and types. Then, technology transfer is defined in different contexts and the main elements, channels and types of technology transfer and the stages of the TT process are presented. The whole TT situation is landed for Mexico by describing the structural ways for TT in Mexico. Three TT Models found in literature are discussed and the key factors in the transfer of technology are identified. Typical barriers and difficulties in the transfer process are mentioned. In order to propose a TT Model suited for the Automotive Industry in Mexico, this industry is carefully described and its structure is pointed out. Then, the actual TT model for the Mexican Automotive Industry is suggested and its elements illustrated. A case study is developed in order to illustrate the TT process in real companies and to give some examples of the many advantages of TT and the difficulties encountered during the process. The case study was undertaken in company ?X? and the technology transferred was laser welding. All the elements of each stage of the proposed TT Model are extensively analyzed for the specific case of company ?X?. Finally, based on the argument that technology must consider some fundamental aspects such as cultural, social, economic, educational and political aspects, a series of conclusions are issued. For a TT project to be successful there has to be an excellent cooperation between technology suppliers and technology buyers. It is of great importance to take language barriers into consideration, because they lead to a communication deficiency. The most important factor for successful TT is most definitive training and education. It is of vital importance that companies recognize that their workers are their most valuable asset. Cultural characteristics should be taken as a central issue; or damages, losses and failure could arise.

Table of content

Propuesta (archivo pdf, 57 kb)

Capítulo 1. Introduction (archivo pdf, 18 kb)

Capítulo 2. The Technology Transfer Concept. Definitions and types (archivo pdf, 102 kb)

  • 2.1 Need of TT
  • 2.2 Definition of TT
  • 2.3 TT Channels
  • 2.4 TT Types
  • 2.5 The TT process
  • 2.6 Illustrative case

Capítulo 3. Background of TT. Key issues affecting successful TT (archivo pdf, 58 kb)

  • 3.1 Structural ways for TT in Mexico
  • 3.2 Models of TT
  • 3.3 Difficulties in the TT process

Capítulo 4. Proposal of a Technology Transfer Model for México (archivo pdf, 192 kb)

  • 4.1 The Mexican Automotive Industry
  • 4.2 The Model
  • 4.3 Elements of Technology Transfer Model in Mexico

Capítulo 5. Engineering Case Study in the Mexican Automotive Industry (archivo pdf, 594 kb)

  • 5.1 Laser welding. The technology transferred
  • 5.2 Need of Laser Welding in the Automotive Industry
  • 5.3 Case Study
  • 5.4 Example of Laser Welding Application within the Autoparts Industry

Capítulo 6. Analysis (archivo pdf, 439 kb)

  • 6.1 Core Technology
  • 6.2 Developmental Stage
  • 6.3 Implementation Process
  • 6.4 Diffusion
  • 6.5 General Barriers involved in the TT process
  • 6.6 Modifications of the proposed TT Model
  • 6.7 Summary

Capítulo 7. Conclusions and Recommendations (archivo pdf, 31 kb)

Referencias (archivo pdf, 54 kb)

Apéndice A. Visist Reports (archivo pdf, 186 kb)

Kerfin Canto, M. A. 2004. Development of a Technology Transfer Model for Mexico. Application in the Automotive Industry. Tesis Licenciatura. Ingeniería Mecánica. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Diciembre. Derechos Reservados © 2004.