Artículo Científico presentado por Fernando Lagunes Berlanga []

Miembro del Programa de Honores. Licenciatura en Actuaría. Departamento de Actuaría, Física y Matemáticas. Escuela de Ciencias, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Jurado Calificador

Presidente: Dra. Dolores Edwiges Luna Reyes
Vocal y Director: Dr. Juan Antonio Díaz García
Secretario: Dra. Martha Selene Casas Ramírez

Cholula, Puebla, México a 11 de mayo de 2018.


In this paper, feasible solutions are found for the manufacturing cell formation problem using a hybrid methaheuristic algorithm which combines Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) with Iterated Local Search (ILS) methodologies: first, an initial solution is constructed with a randomized greedy algorithm followed by an iterated local search. The randomized greedy algorithm is divided into two steps in which first the cells are initialized, and then the unassigned machines are randomly located in each of the initialized cells. The second heuristic improves the initial solution using a local search methodology by switching machines from different cells, and then destroying it using an established shaking criterion. The algorithm has two stop criteria controlling the total destruction of the cells (building a solution with empty cells), and partial destruction of them (building a solution with non-empty cells). Both processes, partial and total, repeat themselves while the best solution is not improved after a several number of iterations. The algorithm is tested and compared with a set of instances from the literature. The obtained solutions with the proposed heuristic are competitive with respect to those reported in the literature.


Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem - Randomized Greedy - Iterated Local Search - Stop Criterion - Shaking.

Table of content



Capítulo 1. Introduction

Capítulo 2. Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem

Capítulo 3. Methodology

  • 3.1 GRASP Algorithm
  • 3.2 Iterated Local Search

Capítulo 4. Computational Results

Capítulo 5. Conclusions


Lagunes Berlanga, F. 2018. Hybrid GRASP-ILS heuristic for the manufacturing cell formation problem with part processing sequence. Artículo Científico Licenciatura. Actuaría. Departamento de Actuaría, Física y Matemáticas, Escuela de Ciencias, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Mayo. Derechos Reservados © 2018.