Tesis profesional presentada por
Licenciatura en Arquitectura. Departamento de Arquitectura. Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
Jurado Calificador
Presidente: Mtro. Darío Graña
Vocal y Director: Mtra. María Cristina
Rocío Silva Angón
Secretario: Mtro. Rafael Ruíz
Cholula, Puebla, México a 12 de mayo de 2011.
The fine arts have been present throughout my life by different means, they have been a fundamental part of my personal and professional development. I have witnessed the lack of support and indifference of the Mexican people to the culture and arts. So when entering a career in architecture I decided to develop a project to promote culture and the arts from a different perspective that I always showed, now from the architecture perspective.
As I gained knowledge I realized the great architectural heritage that we Mexicans have, how lucky we are, and how little we value and in most cases it is more appreciated by foreigners than by ourselves. I am a proud Mexican and that is why I am interested in rescuing our ancestor´s heritage. That is where the idea for this project flourished.
This is due to two problems, that can be solved by rescueing an architectural monument that has historical value, "the haciendas", elements of economic and social importance in the history of our country. Our case is reflected through the exhacienda San Jose Zavaleta, this property is recovered for reuse and is involved in a space dedicated to culture and the arts, which can be promoted by a private institution, in our case the Universidad de las Americas Puebla, same space lacking the necessary characteristics for this genre. This is how you get a project that benefits the Mexican society and its cultural identity, their social reality and its surroundings immediately.
This is a project that addresses real problems, making it a viable and original project, which promotes the conservation, restoration and reuse of a building with heritage value that contributes significantly to Mexican society, culture and architecture.
Agradecimientos (archivo pdf, 65 kb)
Introducción (archivo pdf, 435 kb)
Capítulo 1. Antecedentes (archivo pdf, 6 mb)
Capítulo 2. Espacios para el arte (archivo pdf, 3 mb)
Capítulo 3. Casos Análogos: Ejemplos de casos análogos en el estado de Puebla (archivo pdf, 3 mb)
Capítulo 4. Exhacienda San José Zavaleta (archivo pdf, 6 mb)
Capítulo 5. Proyecto CAUDLAP (archivo pdf, 27 mb)
Capítulo 6. Conclusión (archivo pdf, 65 kb)
Valdespino Padilla, C. A. 2011. Centro Artístico de la Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Tesis Licenciatura. Arquitectura. Departamento de Arquitectura, Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Mayo. Derechos Reservados © 2011.