Proyecto Final presentado por
Miembro del Programa de Honores. Licenciatura en Arquitectura. Departamento de Arquitectura. Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
Jurado Calificador
Presidente: Dr. Eduardo Gutiérrez
Vocal y Director: Dr. Edwin González
Secretario: Mtro. Sergio Arturo Castro
Vocal y Co-directora: Dra. Doris Abigail Chi
Cholula, Puebla, México a 16 de mayo de 2022.
The UDLAP is a university characterized by its cultural programs. One of the projects taken to future development inside the campus is a cultural complex where one of the spaces would be a Blackbox theater. This performance spaces are flexible and adaptative according to the needs of each artistical experience it might be inside. A place with these characteristics should be solved with technological tools that can have the same adaptability. This thesis will develop a proposal for the Blackbox theater using a computational design process, applying tools like Grasshopper for Rhinoceros and other plugins, and Rhino inside Revit. The solution will explore the advantages of applying a computational design process using BIM and visual script tools to give a complex multidimensional solution to a flexible space. The proposal will be tested acoustically and by fluxes, so the pertinent actions can be taken to improve the project. A structural test is also applied to the skin of the project, a complex geometry reflection of the tools used in the design process. Finally, the result will be shown using the practical tools of visualization of Revit and Enscape to render the model in real time.
Key words: Blackbox theater, computational design, transformable spaces, Rhino inside Revit.
Palabras clave: Blackbox theater, computational design, transformable spaces, Rhino inside Revit.
Capítulo 1. Introduction
Capítulo 2. Justification
Capítulo 3. General Objective
Capítulo 4. Specific Objectives
Capítulo 5. Theorical Framework
Capítulo 6. Methodology
Capítulo 7. Design Process
Capítulo 8. Conclusions
Mc Namara Trujillo, J. S. 2022. Flexibility through complexity: Black Box Theater solution using computational design for the UDLAP community. Proyecto Final Licenciatura. Arquitectura. Departamento de Arquitectura, Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Mayo. Derechos Reservados © 2022.