Tesis profesional presentada por Jonas Schuster

Licenciatura en International Business Administration. Departamento de Administración de Negocios Internacionales. Escuela de Negocios y Economía, Universidad de las Américas Puebla.

Jurado Calificador

Presidente: Prof. Dr. Günther Reiter
Vocal y Director: Dr. Francois Bernard Duhamel

Cholula, Puebla, México a 22 de abril de 2015.


A start-up, which was founded recently by a student of the ESB Reutlingen and Universidad de las Américas, and a student of the University Stuttgart, plans to launch an own-developed vacuuming robot in 2016. The work at hand provides findings to support the start-up in the further product development process.

The conducted market research has shown that launching a vacuuming robot in Germany is a very challenging project. Vacuuming robots are not that accepted in Germany so far. Furthermore, the German consumer consider a price between 150 and 234 Euros as adequate for vacuuming robots. The present work demonstrates that the individual´s acceptance for vacuuming robots depends on various factors, such as on the perception about the robot´s Functional Value, its Emotional Value and its Social Value. Whether a German contracts a cleaning person also influences his or her acceptance for vacuuming robots positively. Since people with higher incomes have more likely a cleaning person, the income influences the acceptance, too. Additionally, the consumer´s dissatisfaction with the current vacuuming situation in the household also affects his or her acceptance for vacuuming robots.

Palabras clave: Robots.

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Schuster, J. 2015. Acceptance for Vacuuming Robots and its Optimal Price in the German Market: An Analysis from the Perspective of the German Consumer. Tesis Licenciatura. International Business Administration. Departamento de Administración de Negocios Internacionales, Escuela de Negocios y Economía, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Abril. Derechos Reservados © 2015.


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